Search results

  1. endive

    Swap to led?

    Thank you PSUAGRO! The Blue Mystic Autos... Hahaha, Good memory! Correct, the 1st gen. never autoed, but they 12/12'd nicely! I've had some seeds, from that harvest (2nd gen, self pollenated) that have gone auto, about 1 in 3. Actually both Jocks above were from Nirvana's infamous batch of...
  2. endive

    The Dawg House Grow Featuring Area-51 Leds

    Very nice! That is a great setup you've got there, right down to the fishing weights (I use them too!). :peace: e.
  3. endive

    Swap to led?

    IMHO, there is a more than just "actual draw" wattage to consider. Lenses, angle or degree of said lenses, spectra, even growing style, etc. all play a big part. Usually any vendor claim of area coverage is at the theoretical maximum. I subtract 20% as a real world application. Also be sure to...
  4. endive

    Autoflowers, LEDs & Bubbles, Oh My!

    Bubblelicious Harvested at week 10, vegged & bloomed under LED grow lights. Yum!
  5. endive

    Need a low odor strain

    Thank you! And after thinking about it, NL autos are an excellent choice as flavor, effect AND yield have been superb.
  6. endive

    Need a low odor strain

    Thankfully no, THC levels seemed to be stellar! :weed:
  7. endive

    strong auto

    "Strong" is a broad term, and a personal one too, but... Dina Fem's Haze Automatic is nice, as is Nirvana's Blue Mystic Auto.
  8. endive


    After they declare (Usually within weeks 3 - 5), it is roughly ANOTHER 7-9 weeks before they are mature enough to harvest. The actual time varies, but a general timeframe is they tend to: Declare gender around weeks 3 - 6, Go into an intense bloom/growth stage for another 4 - 6 weeks...
  9. endive

    Need a low odor strain

    My Northern Light Autos smell up the place late in bloom, though I have found a few phenotypes within Blue Mystic (both auto & photoperiod) that have little to no grow aromas even late into bloom. Blue Mystic, nearly no aroma... Northern Light Auto - Sweet but Smelly!
  10. endive

    3 gallon or 10 litre

    I'd go with the 3 gallon over the 10L (3 gal = 13.6L). The bigger the root space for an auto, the bigger the auto! Outdoors, depending on your growing cycle, you may wish to go 5 gallon even. Happy growing!
  11. endive

    Options on these two LEDs

    The Blackstar line is a great, affordable way to get your toe wet in the LED scene. There are quite a few workable options depending on garden size, growing style, etc. Hope you pot up a journal Finche! :weed:
  12. endive

    Pro Grow LED 260 170w/ CFL Grow :D

    Experience is the best teacher, so long as you learn from your mistakes and don't beat your self up too much over them. :mrgreen:
  13. endive

    Nirvana northern lights

    I was running about 180 watts at 18/6. Autos are great for people who have extra space in the veg tent, or for those who have limited area and time and want a big bang for minimal time. You can go from seed to harvest in under 90 days, easily outgrowing photoperiod plants grown 12/12 from...
  14. endive

    Nirvana northern lights

    Nirvana's Northern Light Autos are one of my favorite strains! Ever since they were released, I've been sure to have one or two going in Veg-tent, under an L.E.D. grow light. The smallest plant so far, has still produced over an ounce (one gallon pot), and the largest at just over 2.5 ounces. (3...
  15. endive

    Need Some earth juice Help! ASAP!!!!!!

    Earth Juice does have an acidic pH when mixed, but its overall effects on the medium's pH is minimal (usually) as those acids are neutralized, when the roots convert the nutrients to food. I do recommend adding 1 tbsp. dolomite lime per every gallon of soil mix, if you are using Fox Farms soils...
  16. endive

    Looking to upgrade. 180 or 240w Blackstar?

    The Blackstar lamps are decent performers. The coverage claims by the ebay seller are fairly accurate, and though I can't say as to their claims of output & par, I have witnessed some nice grows with them. The Blackstar 240 is roughly akin to a Pro-Grow 180, IMHO. With the Pro Grow 180, I can...
  17. endive

    Nirvana Fan Club! Share Your Nirvana Plants/Buds/Experience/Anything

    Nirvana's Northern Light Autoflower, Plant NLA #3 Week 7 from Seed Week 6 bloom, week 9 from seed. Week 9 Bloom - At Harvest. :peace: e.
  18. endive

    Pro Grow LED 260 170w/ CFL Grow :D

    Got here late... But great job, nonetheless! :weed:
  19. endive

    Ideal Ambient Temperature running LED's???

    I think the type of light source wouldn't affect a plant's optimal temperature requirements as much as strain and medium (i.e. soil vs hydro). I do find that since I don't need such extreme cooling (AC or forced outside air) with my LEDs, that my LED rooms do run about 6ºF higher day ambient...
  20. endive

    steer me in the right direction

    IMHO, the new Pro-Grow 180 will do a 3' x 2' area just fine, veg or bloom. I 'd previously did a 30" x 20" tent grow with their 2010 Pro-grow 180 and 90w UFO (more here ») Their current revision of the pro-grow line noticeably exceeds the performance of their earlier 2010 lamps, and I'm...