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    sun leafs

    i would love to post pics for you guys to see for your selfs just not to sure how or if i want to
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    sun leafs

    does anyone else have a opinion on this senereo or have experimented please let me no
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    sun leafs

    i earlier started a post asking about sun leaves and was redirected to the litature on the site and it does make sense to me but i ve been doing this along time and tried both ways with equall results so this time around i have did a experiment i have 18 plants under 3000 wattts hps the first...
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    ya i always flush for 2 weeks at the end
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    also should you wait to water intill the soil is dry i am using a b style nutrients if it matters for 1 st ?
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    do you guys think there is any merit to flushing your soil half way in to bud by flushing i mean to run water thru the soil intill it pores out the bottoms (lots of fresh water } purpose being to wash of all the salts from the nutrients off the roots to allow maximum intake afterwards
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    clearly sportsballer is smoking to much because if you read all the post he has contridicted himself time after time SHOW US THE PICS
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    Woahh, take a guess at the dried weight of this bud

    holy shit that is huge nice job please share how you did it???????????????????????and i would say 73.4 grams
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    thanks guys for response your right way to vague.... i say pound a 1000 watt light is a rule of thumb around here just wondering what kind of yeilds other people are getting ??????? do you guys think if you had 6 plants under 1x 1000 watt light you would get the same yield as if you say have...
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    what do you guys think the yield should be if someone did a room 6x8x7h with 3 x1000 watt hps 18 plants in 15 inch pots with soil, 10 inch exhaust and 2 four inch intakes one with fresh air from outside????????????????????? :bigjoint:
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    TO CHECK OUT: white widow 7th week of flowering with pics

    let them finish dont worry it might lose a tiny bit of thc but youll never no the difference
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    CAT, Spider Mites, Ruined & Stolen Crops WARNING

    i love this site you guys are the best
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    ARE MY LIGHTS too close

    as long as you can put your hand on top off your plants and the lights dont burn your hand your good to go
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    2.5 X 5 X 7.5H Space - 1000 Watts Baby!! Many Pics

    every strain and every room is different so i think giver and see what happens i do agree thats alot of light for that space but better too much then not enough good luck keep us posted
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    fluros in my main grow room - is this okay ?

    its all good advice bottom line is that YOU DONT HAVE ENOUGH LIGHT for that set up if you are going to do it you mise well do it right cheers!!!!
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    Ventilation switched on when???

    i would run it all the time to keep good air flow going and to keep smell down
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    hey that set up looks killer how many watt light do you think is good

    hey that set up looks killer how many watt light do you think is good
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    Grow 2 lbs. on a 2’ x 4’ 32 Site DIY Aeroponic Unit

    that is awesome thanks alot for posting i might even get brave and try it
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    Growing in groups

    if you put them to close together and you dont have the soil mass they will choke each other out and they will grow all phucked up
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    question on root hormone will give rep

    dont try it i also no of someone you did it (didnt turn out lol)