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  1. GrowinBigRed

    Baking Soda, The New Chronic

    No.... why do u think that people put baking soda in their refrigorators? because it absorbs smells and kills mold, and fungous. thats why you get the fresh smell, no mold=no smell :leaf:
  2. GrowinBigRed

    What is your average temperature when your lights are on? (VOTE THIS POLL!!)

    Ok heres my situation, I have one 600w MH bulb for Veg stage and HPS for flowering, both create C02 emmisons when on. Now since my reflector is a Euro inline cooler it has a clear sheet of flexiglas(i think) between light and Plant, so i can get the light close, with 2 inline holes for a cooler...
  3. GrowinBigRed

    girlfriend trouble

    Id make her sleep on the couch! the plants get the bed. fuck the girl, if ur in it for sex the mj gives u that, just load a bowl and smoke till u feel it pop! lol and the best thing is she can kep goin its you who has to slow down...
  4. GrowinBigRed

    Baking Soda, The New Chronic

    Of course all in porportion when adding.... The fungi isnt so much as being in the soil buy on the plants themselves, because of like a certain way baking soda effects air(the freshness) it has no tollerence for mold, or fowl substances(UR PLANT DOESNT COUNT). The water concept is easy...
  5. GrowinBigRed

    Baking Soda, The New Chronic

    So i was cookin in the kitchen today when i noticed my baking soda box. "Use for a fresh Smell!" "makes your food better!" "Clean your environment!" things like this writen all over it. Now since im about to start some new plants and have a smell problem this instantly came into my head for a...
  6. GrowinBigRed

    How to Grow Super Lemon Haze

    I have to say this one helped the most. yeah my Light is in a Euro INline cooler reflector so i run a lil 6" inline fan venting the heat and Co2 out helpin the plant alot. Ill try and keep u posted on things for sure! Hieght isnt a problem really im growin in a decent size walkin closet in the...
  7. GrowinBigRed

    How to Grow Super Lemon Haze

    Again that didnt help. im lookin for grow specifics. anything some body can give me about the plant. because its farily new it doesnt have any information. Agagin if heres any info someone can give me to growing SLH or specifics about the plant post away!~
  8. GrowinBigRed

    Air Smell Problem

    :owould that really solve my solution? what else can i do? how many boxes we talkin
  9. GrowinBigRed

    I can't cure?

    what is flushing? im a new time grower learning as much as i can
  10. GrowinBigRed

    Air Smell Problem

    Ok, so its my first time growing and im growing one Super Lemon Haze, i havent started yet because i read a post of a guy complaning about his entire house smelling. if i had my house thatd b great But i dnt. i live with my rents, and even though its legal where i live its not in their house...
  11. GrowinBigRed

    Concerned about Harvesting! HELP

    well i can see like 10lbs maybe in a facture in the but in dinky apartment no wayy. 10 lbs of hangin and curing would take like hundreds of yards of string and a SHIT load of jars to cure. not even like 20 charchol burners could hide a smell like that. and unless u taped off ur...
  12. GrowinBigRed

    How to Grow Super Lemon Haze

    Hey Everyone im a first time grower attempting something very risky. For my first time grow i chose the Super Lemon Haze Cannibus Cup 2008 winner. I have a 600w HPS and MH bulbs with large Aircool Reflector, 600w Ballast, and Bucket Hydroponic system. All for my one little seedling. lol call it...
  13. GrowinBigRed

    How to Grow Super Lemon Haze

    They think that im inhancing my life with
  14. GrowinBigRed

    How to Grow Super Lemon Haze

    Well its risky because its high maintainace, and im growing it in my room(i live with my parents) and it is VERY LEGAL in my area Thats the thing i really dnt know how to grow weed except from the very long and boring instructions from youtube, roll it up and the other like 25
  15. GrowinBigRed

    How to Grow Super Lemon Haze

    Hey Everyone im a first time grower attempting something very risky. For my first time grow i chose the Super Lemon Haze Cannibus Cup 2008 winner. I have a 600w HPS and MH bulbs with large Aircool Reflector, 600w Ballast, and Bucket Hydroponic system. All for my one little seedling. lol call...