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  1. S

    whitch type of lights to use

    (no so it could grow from the sun and i wouldnt have to worry about lights
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    15 pounds one room! where the h*** do u plug everything?

    well you could make sure your safe and add a breaker in your breaker box (id use a 220breaker) and add more outlets in you grow room probly cost a grand or so but. and your power bill is going to be high and then the power company will monitor your power usage daily and will find out your...
  3. S

    whitch type of lights to use

    i have to build a floor and insulate the walls but i just got an idea make it like a green house / insted of a tin roof i could use a transparent sheet (like tin but sheet of polyurthan(sorry for bad spelling)but would planes flying over spot the heat coming off all them plants (thoughts on this...
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    whitch type of lights to use

    100 sq ft vegg room and 100 sq ft flowering room:joint::weed::weed:
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    acid stories

    when i first did acid i was 15 me and my buddies went to a creek in our home town and got in the creek and build shit like dams and a water falls 5 hours went by pretty fast a fun drug never have done again but would be nice /// my 5$ went a long way
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    advice on finding acidd?!

    hmmm i always paid 5$ a hit
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    went from great to shit in one day. help!

    hmmm i feel for you and wish the best of luck on your plants and being on a budget ebay is a good thing if $$$ tight
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    whitch type of lights to use

    yea i know but im looking for other peoples thoughts on it
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    Obama is the man

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    whitch type of lights to use

    i will be growing sinsemilia and want to know what kind of light to use i was wanting to use hps but wanted to know what would suit them best before i buy my lights p.s/ i will be growing hydoponic
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    First Grow:AG Grandaddy purp Clones

    im going with hps but good thing ive worked with electrical in houses as a job
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    Is my stealing justified?

    thats fucked up grow your own or buy your own
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    thoughts on a grow room/ hydro

    well i just looking to get the most quality bud (dont feel like smoking ditch weed lol) i dont know what kind of bud i want to grow yet all tho i got some sinsemilia seeds i want to grow soon
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    how does she looK?

    looks good
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    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    wake up sleepy as fuck smoke a Joint and it will be a good day
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    The Blueprint - Closet Cabinet/Bubbleponic System Help and Check List

    a trick ive seen people do at the end of the fan where airs blown out rig up a box that you can open and they used dryer sheets,to cover up the smell blown out. ive never done it but it seemed to work alright
  17. S

    thoughts on a grow room/ hydro

    i plan a grow room in a 10'/20' building all hydro with a propane genorator any thoughts on how to make it and how many plants i could probly grow kiss-ass