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    Aerocloners unite!!!

    They are about $50-150 as far as I know.. They are used for fish tanks to control bacteria. You can get one at almost any local aquarium store. Here is a link to Dr Fosters.. I hope this helps! Aquarium UV Sterilizers: Control Algae, Parasites, & Bacterial Diseases
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    Growing other plants?

    I am using my new Aerogarden and am growing Basil and Oregano out of the sides... I suppose it wont be a problem until it comes time to flower.. at that point I will just remove the herbs and do something else with them :)
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    Aerogarden 6 SS Grow Log - Pics - Discussion

    I am thinking about ordering some Lowryder dwarf auto flowering seeds.. Any inputs?
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    Aerogarden 6 SS Grow Log - Pics - Discussion

    I would imagine a clone of any kind would do just fine... IMO you would be better off with a clone.
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    Aerogarden 6 SS Grow Log - Pics - Discussion

    I have set the settings on Veggie which is 18 on and 6 off...
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    Aerogarden 6 SS Grow Log - Pics - Discussion

    What lighting cycle is recommended?.. I want to veg for a couple of weeks and then throw right into flowering to keep a compact sized garden:leaf:
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    Aerogarden 6 SS Grow Log - Pics - Discussion

    I recently started a project in a 30 gallon bow fish tank of mine. I decided to ditch the dirt and go with the Aerogarden 6. I like how the light is easily adjustable and the idea of hydroponics. I plan on using about 10 different spectrum CFL bulbs when it comes time to flower. Today I took...
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    New to Aerogarden, quick transplating question!!

    The Aerogarden comes with a mini herb kit... Basil, Thyme, Dill, etc, etc. What I did was take out the sponge it came with and inserted the plants right in with it. I left the top label on so the plant would not fall through. I was also able to hold it in place by sliding it inside the insert a...
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    New to Aerogarden, quick transplating question!!

    Nevermind... Everything is taken care of.. Used a little bit of creativity...
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    New to Aerogarden, quick transplating question!!

    I just went and picked up the Aerogarden 6 for pretty cheap and I want to convert my 1 week old soil babies to this new system. I started to think about how I am going to do it and have stumped myself. I am looking forward to starting a real nice detailed journal :) Any ideas? Thanks...
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    30 Gallon Bow Tank CFL Grow Journal

    Can someone please give me some recommendations on lighting??? I am thinking of getting 2-4 metal clamp lights and putting in the 23 watt bulbs all around the specimen.
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    30 Gallon Bow Tank CFL Grow Journal

    I just buried the stems of the 2 pots. They are now sticking about 1cm-1inch out of the dirt. The two that are nice and firm I am leaving right now. I will take new pictures in the AM!
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    WHITE RINO update (pics)!!

    dude this is amazing... I will be watching this while I do mine...
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    30 Gallon Bow Tank CFL Grow Journal

    Hey guys :-P, Decided to use one my 30 gallon bow fish tanks to veg / flower some bag seed and HOPEFULLY some Mango seeds with CFL lighting:leaf:. I have attempted something like this in the past with a Rubbermaid container but heat was a major issue so it didn't work out right before...
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    Looking for a premade grow box / cabinet

    After some thought I am thinking about getting a metal cabinet like this: Flowering Chamber : 4-32 Plants : Modular Grow Box Series For this I can just buy a cabinet(dont know where) , 400 watt light would be fine right from HTGSupply? I am a little confused about what to do for cooling...
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    Looking for a premade grow box / cabinet

    Thank you for the response.. I am down to give it a shot.. Can't hurt by saving some money :) Any places you recommend for parts to start doing some research? I am somewhat confused about the shape / size / light that I want.. Like I said above I am not trying to create a safari of plants...
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    Looking for a premade grow box / cabinet

    Saw thanks for the response... I don't know anyone and I am not the best handy man.. 2k for me is worth it as long as I know its solid.. It would save me a lot of time and headache.. Which one do you think would do best? Is the cabinet too big / to much energy?
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    Looking for a premade grow box / cabinet

    Hey guys... I am looking to start a some what stealth operation and am looking for some type of a turn key grow box / cabinet. I have seen a couple of things online and wanted hear anyones input, and suggestions on this. I am not looking to grow a ton just enough for a real good stash. Here...
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    Legal Bud

    I have heard of people doing that. You can buy tons of things online.
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    Legal Bud

    Show off.... :)