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  1. Martybutch

    12/12 from seed using CFL's. NLxBig Bud and many many others!

    OH Moby Dick hello! ha man thats plants looks great full of life and looking gooood :D Yeah i feel your point on lack on feedback i get the few comments on mine but always that bit more Im here for ya man! :p Keep it up and do it for you :leaf:
  2. Martybutch

    1st Indoor grow...375's of CFL...Lets go...Grow Log (Vegging)

    cheers brudddaaaa, just hoping the keep getting fatter and fatter ha... Hows your grow going PEE2!? :leaf:
  3. Martybutch

    1st Indoor grow...375's of CFL...Lets go...Grow Log (Vegging)

    Yup that is so true i am amazed my self at how well this has gone :)... i knew i would be able to pull it off, but how they are still exceeds my expectations.. Yeah my bad got excited with the yield ha ha there is no telling until closer the time :p Are you growing yourself Mister B?? Let me...
  4. Martybutch

    1st Indoor grow...375's of CFL...Lets go...Grow Log (Vegging)

    Dude you made my day! i love australia :D All i have used is..... - A clothes rail to support and hold my lights. (1 250 Watt dual spectrum CFL for a 30 day veg, Then added 125 watt red spectrum cfl for flower) - 2 Cardboard boxes around the clothes rail with mylar taped to the sides.. - 1 9...
  5. Martybutch

    kepp both male and female

    If your male plants have round sacks hanging of the stems opened up like an umbrella your females will be pollinated... If there is just tiny balls your safe for now but you will need to removes the males as soon as possible.. If you want the best weed possible from your grow i suggest putting...
  6. Martybutch

    kepp both male and female

    Well if you want to prevent the females from being pollinated and creating seeds it will have to be an air tight area as the pollen can spread so easily as its such a fine dust. Can i ask why you want to keep the males?
  7. Martybutch

    kepp both male and female

    If you don't want to have your bud ruined by seeds.. Remove the males and destroy them.. If you want seed's in your females...Keep the males... You females wont magically turn into males..but they have the smallest chance of developing male pollen sacks and becoming a hermy. Hope this made...
  8. Martybutch

    My CFL Flowers at 3 weeks...What do you think? (Pics included)

    They are 4 different bag seeds but i know that one is bubblegum.. i believe it to be the plant that is tied down. Will update you all for sure :) :leaf:
  9. Martybutch

    Leaves are going yellow.. 2 weeks old.. Lack of nitro?

    That is not a nitrogen problem... That is a magnesium deficiency...:leaf: Just add a nute mix with magnesium in it ... Or add some epson salt. will sort it in no time :)
  10. Martybutch

    My CFL Flowers at 3 weeks...What do you think? (Pics included)

    Hey everyone hope all's well! I have recently been putting all my images into my grow log within my sig but its titled with vegging.. So i though i would just post a few images just to see what any of you think any comments good or bad are welcomed its my first indoor grow from start to finish...
  11. Martybutch

    1st Indoor grow...375's of CFL...Lets go...Grow Log (Vegging)

    Let me know your thoughts people, anything will be appreciated good or bad :) Show me your grows too! :D :leaf:
  12. Martybutch

    1st Indoor grow...375's of CFL...Lets go...Grow Log (Vegging)

    Riiiiiight as i said, pictures.. So here they are at 3 Weeks 1 Day of 12/12 (pistols from about 8 days) :) Im down to 4 now as the hermy had to go.. poor fellow. Sooo firstly is just the smallest of the 4 its stilll a great little plant flowering nicely :D...
  13. Martybutch

    1st Indoor grow...375's of CFL...Lets go...Grow Log (Vegging)

    Hey grorite, They look great! its a shame that one was a male that would have been an even better harvest than you will get! I love how they look with your LST, i will be training my next grow like that i just love how they grow that way :) Thanks for poppin in ha :leaf:
  14. Martybutch

    Light getting directly to buds

    I dont have the answer but this is a good post... I have been wondering the same too as i have 4 flowering plants... and im scepticle of trimming bigger fan leaves down without a good answer on weather to do it or not.
  15. Martybutch

    1st Indoor grow...375's of CFL...Lets go...Grow Log (Vegging)

    ok, everyone who is actually following my progress i will be posting some more images tonight or tomorrow showing how they have came along since the last images... One of my small plants has now became the tallest of the lot growing around 1-2 inches every night its mad... Keep ya eyes peeled...
  16. Martybutch

    Help my girl fast!! Stiff leaves dropping down? Over watered?

    Sooo true!! must be the hormones, That time of the month if you ask me!!.... :P
  17. Martybutch

    Help my girl fast!! Stiff leaves dropping down? Over watered?

    Haha it most deffinitly is, unless this girl is a joker and loves making my heart skip a beat... Keeps me on edge shes naughty!
  18. Martybutch

    Help my girl fast!! Stiff leaves dropping down? Over watered?

    Ok so i thought that it was over watering... but i watered again this morning...and now its perked up?? maybe was just due a drink? Confusing stuff!
  19. Martybutch

    Help my girl fast!! Stiff leaves dropping down? Over watered?

    Yeah i often do this, but from now if it feels light i shall just give it an extra day or 2 just to make sure :) Thanks dude :leaf:
  20. Martybutch

    Help my girl fast!! Stiff leaves dropping down? Over watered?

    its so annoying because i have known inside i am over watering... Never mind all will be good from now im sure. :) Thanks a lot guys she is my prettiest girl and flowering at a great rate il post a picture on this thread in 4-5 days without watering in between to see if it really was me...