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  1. J

    First grow journal coco and dwc

    The buds are filling in nicely on both plants i think. The ak has long buds while the ppp has fatter top buds. I was told plant b is most likely ak so i will assume that. It was quick to flower and has a good amount of crystals forming. Does it look like it might be ready at 60 days? I want...
  2. J

    ak-47 or pure gold

    All 3 pictures are of the same plant. There is 2 plants in the tent you can see the sativa leaves of the other plant in the bottom picture. The sativa one i think is pure power plants because of the color and the bud formation. I had ppp pure gold and ak seeds going. Thanks for the info though...
  3. J

    First grow journal coco and dwc

    Im about 90% sure the sativaish one is G13 labs pure power plant. The other two are both indica color without any long bladed leaves in the pictures.
  4. J

    ak-47 or pure gold

    can anyone tell me if this is ak-47 or G13 labs pure gold. I accidently got the cubes mixed at germination and lost track of whats what. The plant was toped to 4 main branchs
  5. J

    Flushing hydro plants

    Thanks for the info everyone i thought the hydro would flush quicker.
  6. J

    First grow journal coco and dwc

    Also at day 38 of flowering they are about 2 feet wide and 3-3 1/2 feet tall.
  7. J

    First grow journal coco and dwc

    The pics are a little weak im still figureing out the new camera. The yellow looking leaves on plant b is just the light. Plant A is the taller more sativaish of the 2. The leaves on the top are thiner and have up to 13 blades. Plant B is more indica with dark leaves. It just exploded with...
  8. J

    First grow journal coco and dwc

    Sorry for the late pics. Have you heard the one about the digital camera and an open bucket of nutrients :wall: lol. Here is a pic of the 2 females. Still not sure what they are exactly ppp,pure gold or ak.
  9. J

    Flushing hydro plants

    Should hydro plants be flushed the same way as soil plants? As in 2 weeks water at the end of flowering. Im useing a coco water to waste in containers pretty much like a soil grow. I have been searching but the only flushing threads i have found are for soil.
  10. J

    First grow journal coco and dwc

    The DWC plants have been taken out. They were stunted to much to keep up with the coco and im tired of the ph game. Im gonna use coco only from now on. Good growth and alot less work. The 3 coco plants are still growing well. So far only 2 have shown sex. I think 1 is male (ball looking things...
  11. J

    Just checked out your bubblebomb. Did you breed it yourself because it looks like the genetics...

    Just checked out your bubblebomb. Did you breed it yourself because it looks like the genetics are a little unstable. I mean i thought i saw sativa leaves on one of them while the others look more indica. Either way good job on the grow buddy.
  12. J

    flowering to early???

    thanks for the advice everyone. I started a journal if your intrested.:eyesmoke:
  13. J

    First grow journal coco and dwc

    Do they look healthy?
  14. J

    First grow journal coco and dwc

    The light is a 600w hps (hortilux super hps) in a cooltube powered by a lumatek ballast. Also the plants plants were topped to get 4 main branches. Everything is inside a homebox xl. I have never sprayed them with water or foliar spray. Humidity during veg was around 25% Humidity now is around...
  15. J

    First grow journal coco and dwc

    Plants: 3 AK47 (serious) 1 PPP fem (g13) 1 pure gold fem (g13) Mediums coco and dwc All the plants are the same age. Today they are 21 days old and in the 4th day of flower. The plants are fed the full DM gold line as per instructions on the website. I keep nutrient strength low im still...