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  1. Jolijn

    Glass Bowl In Fridge?

    lol easy for you maybe! we got no snow here :(
  2. Jolijn


    wow that imagination one is great
  3. Jolijn

    i wish...

    dude...i know...i so want to get some food now but i know i'm going to eat it all before i even roll a blunt! haha what's your fav munchy food? (for me right now it is that chex mix stuff...chocolate/turtle flavored!)
  4. Jolijn

    Is it legal to grow poppy flowers in the US?

    it's perfectly legal just to grow poppies. i think actually taking the pods and slicing them makes it illegal. but i remember seeing just rows and rows of poppy fields out in...arizona i think? i was travelling.
  5. Jolijn

    The joint survey

    i'm mostly a pipe smoker, followed by blunts and bongs. my joints SUCK. never ask me to roll a joint, you'll just think less of me after. A: do you remove your seeds before smokeing or leave em in like some guys? seeds are the worst! who actually smokes seeds? B: Do you use any mix like...
  6. Jolijn

    Lookin 4 A little Respect

    aw thanks! i think i found a cak pic..hopefully i set it up right
  7. Jolijn

    Anyone have or use one of these?

    yeah it doesn't look that impressive...kind of a lame idea for a maze also.
  8. Jolijn

    Anyone have or use one of these?

    i dont get how that works...where do you smoke out of it/> how do you hold it?
  9. Jolijn

    peanut butter

    damn, is it better than nutella?
  10. Jolijn

    Lookin 4 A little Respect

    thanks for the welcome! i offer a peacepipe haha
  11. Jolijn

    Estacsy-Your opinion if you took it(NOT PLANNING ON DO IT )

    i took some PURES about two weeks ago. they were amazing, my galfriend and i split 1 capsule. it was unlike any other roll i've had. it wasn't speedy at all. in fact pures would probably be bad for raves or if you wanted to move around. it was really good for chilling at home with all the lights...
  12. Jolijn

    Alternate reality

    What about that section of space that for the last few months have been showing a ton of activity? i think at first we thought it was a supernova but the intensity actually got stronger for about 100 days then dropped off. now some people think we just saw an interstellar battle that happened...
  13. Jolijn

    Having Surgery Today... Will I die!?!?!?!!

    what did you go in for? how long is your recovery time? are you still in teh hospital (aaarrrg can't smoke! haha)
  14. Jolijn

    Fav Kind of Cig

    never heard of those. lol one thing i love doing to people who don't smoke is grinding up some of my flint from my lighter and getting it on my cig...then when i smoke it sparkles and i tell them it's a celebration cig haahaha
  15. Jolijn


    the comic is just as awesome
  16. Jolijn

    White Lighter? Bad Luck?

    lol i've never done that. it's always been an unspoken rule that if you hve a group of stoners and smokers, you're going to lose a lighter and probably see it a few weeks later. for a while my glove box was full of them!
  17. Jolijn

    Having Surgery Today... Will I die!?!?!?!!

    dude you'll be fine. just be really honest about your entire health but dont mention weed unless the guy does. i went under once to get some screws and plates on my heel...i smoked that morning. it'll hit you pretty fast, i didn't even count to ten and next thing i knew i was waking up.
  18. Jolijn

    ppl using coke

    man 2 week binge is going to ruin you. 2 days is enough for me. coke is such a lousy substitute for weed. the more you do the more you'll want to keep doing more.
  19. Jolijn

    weed fantasies

    i love it man...old rap is the best to smoke with. cos they know! haha
  20. Jolijn

    post your smoking utensil

    i'm using this really cool skeleton one for the moment. i break so many pipes though! does anyone else keep the pipe in the lap while they're breaking up a nug and lean forward and drop the pipe? arg