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  1. FuN-fUnGuS

    A lil help plz?

    she looks a lil sick got any ideas?
  2. FuN-fUnGuS

    Sprout help...

    she looks a lil sick some help would be nice...
  3. FuN-fUnGuS

    Day 4 and i think...

    na not germinating, its just not last plats poped up at like 2-3 days...maybe its just a bad seed? IDK... ill give it like a week i guess, and if nothing then ill start over...
  4. FuN-fUnGuS

    Day 4 and i think...

    that my plant has no hope... i dont think its going to sprout, got any ideas? or should i just start a new?
  5. FuN-fUnGuS

    Day two of my dirt grow...

    Yes yes i know.... I jusy didnt have the time and the soil out here is really rich so im trying to see if its good eunff to make a mix befor i start my grow...
  6. FuN-fUnGuS

    Day two of my dirt grow...

    day 2 of drowing in dirt....:spew: And for real its looking good...:mrgreen: Im shocked but at the same time its only one plant, SO 50% its a man and 50% its a girl... But it will grow to say the least...:joint:
  7. FuN-fUnGuS

    Some one help me i fill so lost...

    ok cool thx for you help bro, Um i know the basics, and like how to germinate the seeds and shit, but i was just trying one seed this way the rest are going to be in rich soil...i am just trying to see if this firt from the yard is good eough to make my own mix.. It seems to be doing alot...
  8. FuN-fUnGuS

    Some one help me i fill so lost...

    Ok i got a new seed growing just planted like 2 hours ago... I'm only doing one this time around, Mostly because i used some pretty good dirt but its still i'm thinking the growing is going to be alot diff... OK... How much water a day? {eough to fill? or till it get a lil...
  9. FuN-fUnGuS

    Transplant question from serious newb

    They should take the move, use clean tools... And they might look limp for like a day... I'd say be safe and only do one at a time like do one and see how it turns out, if good then do the rest...I'm sure one might die... Or maybe thats just my luck...
  10. FuN-fUnGuS

    I want this plant to be a bush not a tree...

    Well shit dude thx a bunch man ima good look that up... And thx agian bro, I really need to keep this plant small {kinda}
  11. FuN-fUnGuS

    any one else TRYING to grow in dirt?

    I see, Well shit... I hope mine turns out ok... And good luck with urs. Um, For that acid problem... I'd say bring your ph levels down a lil till acid clears up... And thats not the beast idea but it might work...
  12. FuN-fUnGuS

    I want this plant to be a bush not a tree...

    I need my nerw plants to be bushy and not tall, do i simply keep them trim? or is thier a way to grow em so that they stay small? The hole small enviorment small plant thing? OR YOUR IDEA:
  13. FuN-fUnGuS

    any one else TRYING to grow in dirt?

    HERMMM... Then maybe ill be ok....i did like 2 thinkgs rong or late but i think ill be ok...
  14. FuN-fUnGuS

    any one else TRYING to grow in dirt?

    thx bro, And i hope you get better luck with that rain I'm sure its killer...:joint: It would bug the fuck out of me.... DAMN I HOPE THIS PLANT GROWS!!!
  15. FuN-fUnGuS

    any one else TRYING to grow in dirt?

    primeralives: That blows bro...i hate haveing shitty wether... MightyBuddha: Ya bro for sure...Heh, its funny, the roses are huge...the dirt is not bad at all i just like to use rich soil...but i guess this is a hypothisis? I hope it turns out good i will track the progress and i will be...
  16. FuN-fUnGuS

    any one else TRYING to grow in dirt?

    :-| well see i usaly use soil for grow's like normal... BUT! this time i just wanted to see if one would grow inn dirt...{from a rose bush in frount yeard} what i got for first stages... Plastic pot{with holes}, 1 seed per pot, planter covered, water filed, It's a lil muddy and i got...
  17. FuN-fUnGuS

    any one else TRYING to grow in dirt?

    only reason i am is because im broke and a buddy gave me like 20 booooom seeds... so i planted 1, the rest and going to be like normal. It kinda makes me :spew: to grow in dirt but fuck it its already planted...
  18. FuN-fUnGuS

    My seeds have sprouted....

    Dude i did the same shit... this time around i just went out to my garden and gulped up some dirt... IDK if it will grow but it would be tight im only doing one plant at this time tho... So i hope and good luck with that...:joint: