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    1000w 5x5 how many will work

    lol yeah dont forget getting into area thats my issue eight now no easy way in have to remove them all and put them back in getting to be a workout but this is just temp till my room is finished
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    Spin-Out for Chemical Root Pruning

    BRONDO its got what plants crave
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    Spin-Out for Chemical Root Pruning

    are you saying the world isnt flat? what is it a cube or a triangle? silly
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    Spin-Out for Chemical Root Pruning

    if you read a few more post down u see they say sorry and added it after he said this
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    Spin-Out for Chemical Root Pruning

    plus it not being sold or used for everything leads me to agree that it must be too good to be true and not worth bigger buds that might lessen my life span
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    Closet 2.0: Dialed in. Back with more PAR T5's, Sannies Genetics, Earth Juice, ++

    they all sound nice the third one sounds best just hang smoke and stare at the pretty
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    Closet 2.0: Dialed in. Back with more PAR T5's, Sannies Genetics, Earth Juice, ++

    looks like a pain in the ass but it looks cool just have issues with keeping my wires for my PC and TV clean doubt i have the discipline to do this correctly
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    Closet 2.0: Dialed in. Back with more PAR T5's, Sannies Genetics, Earth Juice, ++

    adds O2 and also removes chlorine and ammonia from the water they kill the good Bactria in the soil they say pot has 400 chemicals in it a cup of dirt has more then 6 million organisms in it
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    Light Setup Help!

    DUDE that looks unsafe teh wires insulation isnt 100% in all teh covered areas you should repalce teh wire it isnt much and compared to death it saves a lot tape and wire nuts are not great in humid places you could get to old cords and rewire them separate looks like it connects at teh sockets...
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    Closet 2.0: Dialed in. Back with more PAR T5's, Sannies Genetics, Earth Juice, ++

    ok glad to see you got to this just was reading and saw and said teh same thing
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    Closet 2.0: Dialed in. Back with more PAR T5's, Sannies Genetics, Earth Juice, ++

    why dont you just place it a few ft above teh plants pots and allow gravity to push teh water when u remove cork or uncrimp hose
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    Unexpected seedling suprise Have Questions but do what ever
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    Unexpected seedling suprise Have Questions
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    Iso Extractions by _oakley_

    great guide
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    Iso Extractions by _oakley_

    $1300 a gal. everclear is $20 a 1 L
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    Iso Extractions by _oakley_

    was just about to ask if we coul duse that i live in a state that u can still get that 198% insane
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    A Tale of The Tape HPA vs 21st Century Flood and Drain

    Would just make it worse more hermies
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    Stones Journal Round 2!!

    too stoned?