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  1. M

    Jars vs. Ziplock bags

    I would also like to hear some opinions before I go out and buy a bunch of jars when I could just use the giant ziploc freezer bag that are in my kitchen.
  2. M

    growing cannabis without nutes

    everything needs food to live MJ is no different. there are organic nutrients on the market that will give you zero nute taste when smoked.
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    My First Indoor Harvest (with JBONE420)

    how long did you flower? definitely needs a manicure
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    How To Hide Smoke From End Of Burning Joint??

    get a bong smoke the whole bowl in one pull like a champ and blow it out the window
  5. M

    Flavour Curing By Chow

    thats is a cool idea
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    Ready to Harvest "How To".. everything I'm about to do sound good?

    Looks like you have done your research.
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    kush plants are dying,please help

    how is your air circulation? humidity? Do a flush and maybe go easier with the nutes. 85F is MAXIMUM temperature any more is danger zone. I aim for 75F. I you were satisfied with your first grow and nothing has changed but the plants maybe this is not a good strain for you?
  8. M

    Anyone ever grown a pot Christmas Tree?
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    What is the best way to clean your fingers?

    what he said try wearing latex gloves.
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    Almost ready to Harvest!

    looking good
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    What strain does everyone consider a must grow strain?

    There are so many amazing strains out there, to each there own.
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    Quick Dry to sell

    Yes it has to be dark. Hang it in your flowering room lights off fans on and you should be good. I have smoked decent buds within 4-5 days.
  13. M

    Quick Dry to sell

    Just hang for a week and skip the cure will be fine but wont taste as good as a full cure. Mediums temps with low humidity and lots of air circulation.
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    Day 69 flowering, any idea of how close she is?

    looks like that could be a sativa and possibly take 10-12 weeks if that is the case. Indica's are less usually 8-9 weeks
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    Extremely MUSKY smell during curing. Problem?

    As long as it is properly dried and there is no mold inside when you break up the nugs just keep curing burping twice a day and eventually they will smell dank. It takes time.
  16. M

    when resin glands turn purple?

    only your leaves will turn purple. harvest when trichombs become amber.
  17. M

    When to harvest?

    you got the claw going on real bad. I think that comes from overwatering.
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    Can a plant be ripe and still have white pistils?????????????

    DAMN! Thats very nice for your 1st grow. do have a grow journal? or some info about your setup? and if you see some amber trichs its should be ready to chop.
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    Slight curling up edges

    could be watering a little too much but you still look in great shape
  20. M

    sexing during veg

    Im a total noob but some of my plants started shooting out white hairs during veg at the 5-6th week from seed. Thats when I started the flowering process. I don't think stress is good for anyone or anything im sure that goes for cannabis too.