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  1. N

    CFL Micro DWC PC Grow

    You might research nuking it as I seem to recall some quick and dirty methods with using microwaves. I guess being patient is the best method but its soooooo hard.
  2. N

    150W HPS mini-fridge experiment

    Leave an open pot or container of water evaporating near your grow or add a humidifier. Like for 20 bucks at Walmart or Walgreens. I can buy Panda Film by the foot at my local hydro store you might want to check around your area to see if you can find a store that sells indoor growing equipment...
  3. N

    New Cab! 150W hps, dwc and scrog

    Man you come up with some macgyver type growing ideas. I will have you grow when the apocalypse comes and we have to scavenge for grow materials (been playing to much Fallout). After reading about cfl breakage I will just invest in another 150w hps as soon ask can afford it.
  4. N

    150W HPS mini-fridge experiment

    I am using a 150w hps light in a 3'x24"x16" cab top mounted. Heat is not to bad but I do keep the door cracked with a small high speed fan on low blowing in gently. I have a large house air purifier parked behind it in a well ventilated area. I am in the process of putting my 3 clones into a...
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    CFL Micro DWC PC Grow

    Everything I have read says using a vaporizer to smoke raw buds is best. Those little electronic cigarettes work on a vaporizing principle. Other than leaving it in a dry paper bag a few days is another way if you can't get a hold of a vaporizer. Post a review as soon as you do I'm interested in...
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    Micro Bubbleponics Cab, 69w's of 2700k CFL's (re-started thread)

    Must have had most of your questions answered. Those buds are looking delicious. What's on the horizon?
  7. N

    Multi Strain 250w HPS Parabolic mini ScrOG

    Your setup is looking good, very clean. I think the clear tubing I was using was the culprit. Water fall system on a timer is a good idea. Once I get a few grows under my belt I will look into building a better system.
  8. N

    CFL Micro DWC PC Grow

    Harvest time is always fun but curing is such an important part that alot of growers seem to neglect cause waiting sux. Have you sampled at all? Hope you get the 1/2 oz dry.
  9. N

    Noneed4me2's first medical/cabinet grow with cfl's

    temps are great low eighties max, but when summer really hits I might have to add a window A/C. I have been following your grows looking nice.
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    Noneed4me2's first medical/cabinet grow with cfl's

    Here is a few white light pics.
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    Noneed4me2's first medical/cabinet grow with cfl's

    Been flowering for little over a week now. Bud sites popping up. Plants look real healthy and strong. Added a second air pump. Brother is working on getting me a second box with the dimensions of 5'x3'x2.5'. The plants have been fm'ed the crap out of them to keep upwards growth slowed and tying...
  12. N

    Multi Strain 250w HPS Parabolic mini ScrOG

    I was using a slow drip system combined with my dwc setup. My Ph was constantly dropping and algae kept growing in the tubes. I have since yanked the drip system and left the water pump for circulation and my ph is mostly constant (even after adding Fox farm big grow and tiger bloom) between...
  13. N

    CFL Micro DWC PC Grow

    Looking good baskarz. I noticed your roots look like they went through two different growth spurts. I am experiencing something similar. I had four clones in my box but three overgrew the one of them so I stuck it in some potting soil and am flowering outside. This gave me more space and I ended...
  14. N

    Micro Bubbleponics Cab, 69w's of 2700k CFL's (re-started thread)

    Your lack of growth could be related to your reservoir size. Also your only getting the very tops of your plants with enough light. Ideally when growing small form what iv'e seen is getting some mylar or an semi enclosure (even open with three sides) would help bounce light back onto the plants...
  15. N

    CFL Micro DWC PC Grow

    looking good there baskarz.
  16. N

    Dxfan227's Green Crack Micro Cab Grow ( first grow ever)

    Good luck and welcome to rollitup. I am midway through my first grow.
  17. N

    Noneed4me2's first medical/cabinet grow with cfl's

    Got my 150w hps light today. Will mount permanently tomorrow. All is well. Yanked the drip system but left in the water pump for circulation. Used a splitter and added a second airstone. Seems to have helped. PH levels now stay much more balanced. The drip system was an algae maker. I anticipate...
  18. N

    Noneed4me2's first medical/cabinet grow with cfl's

    Here's some new pics. Moved a couple to separate pots; real windy right now so everything is indoors till the weather clears. Running out of room.
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    Noneed4me2's first medical/cabinet grow with cfl's

    Well just ordered a 150w hps light by Sun Systems for about 90 bucks (thanx bro). Now a week from now I should be able to flower under better light. I got everything except a piece of tempered glass for the hole I plan to cut into the top of the box. Will post pics once I get everything...
  20. N

    Noneed4me2's first medical/cabinet grow with cfl's

    Well tommorow another reservior change. After a week of semi stress they seem to really be bouncing back. They seem to like the upper ph range. 6.5 being their ideal. once it starts to drop below that growth slows and leaves start to yellow. My outdoor seedlings and my Precious and Biggie are...