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  1. Green Please

    Anyone ran into rattle snakes?

    i live on 5 acres and the only time ive seen one living in the sacramento area for 12 years is when one CLIMBED THE FUCKING STAIRS to get on the porch and was outside the door like i called it to put its leash on.
  2. Green Please

    Rocky Soil

    I have limited funding which sucks and i don't want to get to out of control. im going to build a bigger operation the season after that 6x6 seems a good size.
  3. Green Please

    Rocky Soil

    I have plenty of room! So 4x4 would be best. i appreciate the help. thankyou
  4. Green Please

    Rocky Soil

    So were talking 6 planter boxes then. how big would should each planter box be?
  5. Green Please

    Rocky Soil

    Oh okay great! I think im going to dig like you said but then I think im going to construct a planter box to hold the soil and greenhouse because its on a hill. I appreciate the input guys.
  6. Green Please

    Welcome New Members!

    why wont people post anything on threads that new people make?
  7. Green Please

    Rocky Soil

    only one foot? I need at least 3 for good root growth because the soil out here sucks ass.
  8. Green Please

    Rocky Soil

    Im starting to get ready for next season by leveling the side of the hill in my backyard to build a green house and I want the plants to be in the ground so they can grow to their full potential. The problem is I live in a town known for its shit soil because you cant even get 4 inches deep...
  9. Green Please

    Nute Burn?

    Don't throw em away man that's just a waste of time and effort. If they don't make it then you will learn from your mistakes. and is the window getting direct sun light? and have you tried flushing them that usually helps all my problems.
  10. Green Please

    Stoned Driving

    I fly my car when I smoke and drive.
  11. Green Please

    hey man im from the roseville/rocklin area

    hey man im from the roseville/rocklin area
  12. Green Please

    outdoor plant problem

    I had this problem with one my plants earlier in the season. when this happened to me I just kept watering it like normal and kinda ignored it. in only a few days my whole plant was nearly dead and crispy. after seeing that i just flushed the fuck out of the 5 gal bucket it was in and now it is...
  13. Green Please

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey everyone! I am new to growing and I am using 5 gal buckets with potting soil outdoor and I have been using fish fertilizer. Please send me a friend request.