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  1. X


    Well it looks like my effort has paid off, although I did another selective pollination using your method. I do selective (ie: pick a point/bud) so I dont destroy the plant. Which is currently about 9' and in full flower that would make for a lot of seed . Thanks for the tip, I haven't seen...
  2. X

    early sexing and cloning questions

    I'd wait until you have a plant to feed before you start serving it fish emulsion. regards,CS xrekcor
  3. X

    Cloning from Fan Leaves

    Thanks man, even though it maybe late. I still going to give it a go. Got nothing to loss either way. But at least I'll know why when they dont succeed. regards xrekcor Now back to your usual programming....
  4. X

    Cloning from Fan Leaves

    I have a Q, hope you guys dont mind me bumping this thread. I have a female in full flower and about to be harvest. Since it is rather large-ish and we're heading into winter I would like to take cuttings from it and keep them going through winter, I grow in the bush you see. Now I've read up...
  5. X


    Thanks Juntistik, I have given your approach ago with some new (but dried) male flower. You could see the pollen dust coming off the pollen sacks as I loaded it into a film canister. Hopefully I'll get a hit, not worried about loss of potentacy. If this fails will have to try my first attempt...
  6. X

    Can somone help guide me on what to do???

    Sometimes I like leaving the runts to grow, especially if your out in the bush. Ya never know what they will do.
  7. X


    I'm trying to cross pollinate some plants I have with some exotic male flower. To explain what I have been doing... I put the male flower in a plastic zip bag and selectively pollinate the buds I want my IVF program to work on. Then rattle the bag with bud inside. This is the first time I...