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  1. B

    My first growing attempt

    nice man. way better then my first. keep it up.
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    Losing weight with cocaine

    Honestly fat boy (if thats alright sorry if i offend) do not get coke. Dont try it. You will be hooked. Once you do coke a step up to meth or crack isnt very far. And you can say you wont get hooked. Everyone says that. I said that. Next thing i knew i was binging on meth for over a month. Thank...
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    If They All Die I'ma Go Crazy

    dont water for at least a couple days. I got ones that are like 8 days old looking way bigger then that, also your organic miracle grow soil is shit get some real organic. get some foxfarm n some perlite.maybe some worm castings
  4. B

    Soil Mixture

    thats pretty good,maybe like 20% perlite or higher.
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    Questions about ratios

    i assume your vegn or your plants are young. that is a good ratio yeah. do you have a camera? I could tell you if your plants really need it or not. If theres any yellowing of leaves or slowed growth go ahead and give em a 1/4 dose with plenty of water to see how they respond. If they like the...
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    Outdoor growing and temperature plant stops growing

    thats bull. I had a random ass plant pop up in the garden in late may and there were many days of high 90s and even 100 and by early august this thing was scary big . I had dug it up and moved it and thought it had died...oh no it came back 4x bigger. Outdoors is crazy big. :fire...
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    6" PVC system

    dude you are smart. seriously. Props A+ all that. :bigjoint:
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    growing start to finish with metal halide

    u could definitly grow a crop using only a mh. depends on the wattage,as long as its not like a 20w mh bulb or something then yeah it would be fine
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    Pics of our first Hydro grow

    didnt you know they grow at least 3 times the height alone during budding? More like 10 times id say. whatd you expect using a 18 inch case that holds not only the light inside but the hydro shit and soil too with a hps light none the less! Ill give you some quick advice. get em out the...
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    if you had 1 1/2 sheets of plywood?

    I gotta agree with you on the bird house idea. But then again that might be a little complicated for this genius with his plywood.
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    My first grow

    Did you use nutes yet? Id say they would love some. A little love ($$$) goes a long way!
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    Outdoor growing and temperature plant stops growing

    Its been over 90 for most the summer here and yeah id disagree totally. My shit is bigger then ever. Its all about the soil and the location
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    delsym only if u want dxm but then again lsd is much better minus the shitty effects of dxm
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    Day 8 Of Flowering

    lookin nice give it time and love and yes you will easily meet your 1oz goal
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    SoG Method For Under $50. I love em
  16. B

    Planning My First Grow Room

    you will get a lil note saying how they were seized no one ever comes
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    Curling Leaves,Browning tips. w/ PICS!!!

    It is lacking some n but you are in flowering so this is somewhat normal
  18. B

    anybody tried ICE from Nirvana???

    first strain i ever tried did everthing by itself DANK DANK DANK