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  1. 209growguy

    Smoking Weed A SIN?

    i go to a non-denomnational church "christian" and i realy believe that its not a sin. i also feel its not a cult but everyone has there opinion. but if your struggling with it then maybe you shouldnt do it cuz its causing more stress then releiving it thats for sure what its not meant to do
  2. 209growguy

    Dangers of shrooms?

    it hurts the liver bad prob like a week in mexico drinking but other then that if ur strong minded and know that a trip is just a trip and it will be over in about 6 hours ull have a great time it so fun
  3. 209growguy

    I want to get Seeds(Must read

    fuck a male plant period just use clones to grow ur next harvest and smoke the good shit. u want all female plants no seeds in them just realy good tasting bud
  4. 209growguy

    Police Helicopter Infrared

    yeah several 1000 would be seen infared but a 400 would show real light wouldnt be investigated over that look more like a flood lamp or some shop lights
  5. 209growguy

    how long before i go to budding

    get rid of the girl till u flowerer ur just gunna be that more mad if u have that danky ass smell around you one min and the next there laying on the floor all smashed up fuck bro they dont make a nute or pestiside that can cure ur prob good luck
  6. 209growguy

    i c wut u mean 1/2 strength on nutes

    mother fucker i now c what the half strength talk is all about. i am noticing yellow marks on the leafs of a few plant. some might be spash but others are from absorption. fuck dont think its to bad i got plants last sat transplated in moist soil and lightly waterd. i waterd again on mon with...
  7. 209growguy

    i c what u mean half strength on nutes

    mother fucker i now c what the half strength talk is all about. i am noticing yellow marks on the leafs of a few plant. some might be spash but others are from absorption. fuck dont think its to bad i got plants last sat transplated in moist soil and lightly waterd. i waterd again on mon with...
  8. 209growguy

    whats up bro when can you stop by the pad and hook up a few pointers on the setup

    whats up bro when can you stop by the pad and hook up a few pointers on the setup
  9. 209growguy

    lets get back to basics

    ok wow iv been on this sight for just a little while now, and being very new to growing, i have had alot of help that has made me feel confident in my first grow. im 26 so im not some fucking grumpy old bastard nor a young 17 yr old with wild ideas. this for sure is not the only place i have...
  10. 209growguy

    question on nutes please help

    i bought clones that were in rockwool from club i transplanted to soil and have used a little under what the foxfarm feeding instructions say know im on here and alll i here is 1/2 strength well what the fuck is foxfarm feeding schedule all about
  11. 209growguy

    half strength on nutes please help me

    i bought clones that were in rockwool from club i transplanted to soil and have used a little under what the foxfarm feeding instructions say know im on here and alll i here is 1/2 strength well what the fuck is foxfarm feeding schedule all about
  12. 209growguy

    how do i check ph level in soil

    please help iv heard a few people say that and i just do my water ph at 6.3-6.5
  13. 209growguy

    got sheetrock in my res is it ok

    yep i just dumped it fuck it start fresh ya know
  14. 209growguy

    got sheetrock in my res is it ok

    i was cutting holes for electrical outlets and like a dumb as my resivor was on the other side i have a lid on it with a hole in so some sheetrock got in do you think its ok or no i am growing in soil
  15. 209growguy

    so when do i change to flowering

    10x7 at 9 ft tall 1000hps and a 400hps but its not up yet just the 1000 is up ac unit exhaused and fans check out my pics it will give you an idea of what i have going on
  16. 209growguy

    got sheetrock in my res is it ok

    i was cuting out some holes for electrical outlets that i am running to my rm and like a dumb ass my resivor was on the other side i had a lid on it but some sheetrock got in there should i dump the water or would it be ok
  17. 209growguy

    so when do i change to flowering

    my plants are week old clones of grand daddy purps and i transplated them to soil 3 days ago. i know its early but at about 18 inch is that cool to change to 12/12
  18. 209growguy

    HELP!! I think I might have a PH problem?

    not to sure new at this myself but remember proper ph they say 6 to 6.5 proper nutes fox farm recomended expensive but hear worth it temp 72-80 and dont over water the dirt should be damp stick ur pinky in it about half inch down if damp ur good do those four things and should be just fine
  19. 209growguy

    HELP!! I think I might have a PH problem?

    i got mine at the local hydro shop the ph tester is a tube u fill with half water and 5 drops of this liquid and it tells u the ph very simple it cost $6 and there is a product for ph up and ph dow both those were like $15 so 20 bucks will fix ph probs
  20. 209growguy

    how much off 8 plants

    1000 hps room is 10x7 by 9 high and its grand daddy purps a/c unit 2 fans and an exhaused using fox farm nutes pic on my page