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  1. hairyrabbit

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    depending on were you are in your grow Ph should be between 5.7 - 6.3
  2. hairyrabbit

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    And depending wat stage of the grow you are PH should be between 5.7 - 6.3
  3. hairyrabbit

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    No its not nitrogen i just finished solving that same proplem i was half way though flower wwhen that happend to me it's a potasum defecentcy you need more P&K
  4. hairyrabbit

    Club 600

    Morning club;-), Im thinking about starting to use co2 in my grow dose any1 here know much about it such as :!:How hard is it to incorporate co2 in to your system installition etc :!:How much of increase in yeild could i expect. :!:Is the co2 bad for the people in our house?
  5. hairyrabbit

    Club 600

    Thanx DST & Jigfreash for your reply .yeah im probly gna do the same mix it up.but ill keep my big tent as small ones as i know it woks well for me and il experament in my lil tent should hopfuly be set up in the next week ill chuck up sum pix once it's up and running
  6. hairyrabbit

    Club 600

    Who needs good fotoz when your nugz look that good, they'll make the worse foto the best haha:-P
  7. hairyrabbit

    Sativa flower time? pics included

    Dr green thumb were i got the seeds ddnt have a ratio but heres the info they got on it. Columbian Skies Product Code- CS [Chemo X Columbian] Wonderfully Potent HUGE YIELD TASTE LIKE OLD TIME COLUMBIAN! Potency: 4½ out of 5 Bouquet: Earthy Taste: Like Old Time Columbian SATIVA...
  8. hairyrabbit

    ** Dark's 1st Grow Journal **

    Got any pics of the final result?
  9. hairyrabbit

    Aussie Growers Thread

    #Ive got 2 600s and a 400 inbetween them #Im not sure man they seem to do near the same as any it dose reflects the light more and dispers the heat bit better #i was getn right up to 32oC thats why the shades are so high i had put super spreaders to help with the heat that helped but keep...
  10. hairyrabbit

    Club 600

    Whats your guys apinoin on the diffrence between growing heaps of little plants or fewer biger plants? i still havn't noticed any1 on here growing many lilltle ones like i do would love to hear how they get on and compared to few bigger plants .GIANT i see you have 6 plants in a tent the same...
  11. hairyrabbit

    Coco Growers Unite!

    heres the fotoz 4 some reson they ddnt show up on my last post
  12. hairyrabbit

    Coco Growers Unite!

    heres some pics of my columbian skies a sativa domanant plant growen in coco and hand full of perlite 4 1/2 weeks in to flowering what do you think?, any sugestions r welcom.
  13. hairyrabbit

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Hay there im not from oz but i thought im close enuf haha just ova the water heres some pics of my columbian skies a sativa domanant plant 4 1/2 weeks in to flowering what do you think?, any sugestions r welcom
  14. hairyrabbit

    Sativa flower time? pics included

    heres the fotos 4 some reson they ddn't show up on my post b4 this one so here goes
  15. hairyrabbit

    Sativa flower time? pics included

    Heres some pic's of my columbian skies which are a sativa domanant plant at 4&1/2 weeks in to flowering they still have aprox 4weeks to go. Its the 1st time of growen sativa domanant plant i normaly just grow indica . what strain is urs wing hunter looks good?
  16. hairyrabbit

    8 weeks flower, couple of questions - first grow

    Heres some pic's of my columbian skies 4 1/2 weeks in to flowering as a sativa domanant plant it should normaly grow quite tall but to unsure it stays small how i like growing them i gave them a short veg time ,tiped them and put them in smallish baggs so they get get root bind which stops them...
  17. hairyrabbit

    Club 600

    :bigjoint:Dats taste looking nugz man i could so do wit fatt bagg thoz haha
  18. hairyrabbit

    Coco Growers Unite!

    Sorry mr west im new to this and cant figure out how to do a link ive posted pics up on club 600 pages 31 & 32
  19. hairyrabbit

    Club 600

    thanx Ganja Princess ill sus it out. i axadently wrote up the same shyt twice ddnt think my first reply worked haha ohwell
  20. hairyrabbit

    Club 600

    Thanx DST & Heads Up, yeah it is a tent heaps easier to pull down for house inspections hahaha i don't have the plesure of owning my own home and making something more permanent. Ive got my lights hangin at 600mm i had them lower but i started having troubles with heat . They are so short...