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  1. jadeshecky

    StrawBerry Blue 250w Hps Cabinet Grow

    don't worry about the temp of the res till the roots reach the water then you can turn the ag pump off and the tank will cool down, a fan in there helps too. (in the grow area not the tank lol)
  2. jadeshecky

    StrawBerry Blue 250w Hps Cabinet Grow

    the sponge may have been contaminated too. check around the rim of the pod, could there be light getting in that way?
  3. jadeshecky

    StrawBerry Blue 250w Hps Cabinet Grow

    did u put molasses in it? sometimes it the water in the jug sits too long it gets that stuff in it too. (the already mixed nutes and water)
  4. jadeshecky

    1st grow, is there a problem with this?

    thanks gb4e
  5. jadeshecky

    3 Strain Party Cup Grow

    u r soooo rocking this grow!
  6. jadeshecky

    StrawBerry Blue 250w Hps Cabinet Grow

    not sure about the record, but i stayed on longer than the rest of the group. ha. my adrenaline got to pumping so hard that i felt like i was going to throw funny thing is, my pelvis is now back into alignment but now my neck is out. ha ha "ouch"
  7. jadeshecky

    1st grow, is there a problem with this?

    thanks man
  8. jadeshecky

    1st grow, is there a problem with this?

    the clone seems becoming out of it, whatever it was that was going on. i think that she was hungry and too hot. i realized that my light timer was not set to auto but to just plain "on" so.... no wonder she was looking crispy. i cut off the to really burnt leaves but there are still some burn...
  9. jadeshecky

    1st grow, is there a problem with this?

    yes you shilly sit lol. its all good now. it was just the molasses interacting with the water and nutes and warm temps in just water and not soil. in fact, if you take a milk jug put water and molasses and nutes in it, even if it has a cap on it, it will get the white slimy shit. you can...
  10. jadeshecky

    1st grow, is there a problem with this?

    okay ya'll, i'll post some pics later today.
  11. jadeshecky

    3 Strain Party Cup Grow

    looking forward to those pics.
  12. jadeshecky

    StrawBerry Blue 250w Hps Cabinet Grow

    looking good so far man. guess what? i rode a mechanical bull tonight. what an adrenaline rush!
  13. jadeshecky

    1st grow. CFL --to--> 400watt HPS. have questions.

    man o man those r wicked!
  14. jadeshecky

    1st grow, is there a problem with this?

    don't do it! thats what caused my slimy white shit. lol
  15. jadeshecky

    1st grow, is there a problem with this?

    oh yah! i just checked on her and she is really green and her leaves are sticking straight up just like they are supposed to. she is doing soooooo much better!
  16. jadeshecky

    3 Strain Party Cup Grow

  17. jadeshecky

    3 Strain Party Cup Grow

    looking good super man!
  18. jadeshecky

    StrawBerry Blue 250w Hps Cabinet Grow

    yay, your so cute with your drawing. subscribed brother.
  19. jadeshecky

    1st grow, is there a problem with this?

    today is day 29 of flower, i think that i may have gotten water on the clones leaves.
  20. jadeshecky

    1st grow, is there a problem with this?

    not feeding her anything right now, but i guess i'll start.