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  1. u4r1k

    My first ever DWC ScrOG Cabinet Grow

    September/08/2009 I just checked on my propagator the temperature was a bit high at 32 C so I plugged my heating pad into the 15min/15min pump timer. I think the RH was ok at 91% the temp outside the propagator was fine at 26 C. The fuoro deesn't heat things up too much at all! U4R1K
  2. u4r1k

    My first ever DWC ScrOG Cabinet Grow

    September/08/2009 I checked on my seeds this morning and just as I suspected :) they had popped since I last checked them around 12 hours before-hand I must say I was shocked at how much the tap-roots had grown in such a short time!! :hump: 3. I washed all the crud off my hydroton a...
  3. u4r1k

    My first ever DWC ScrOG Cabinet Grow

    September/07/2009 I took some temp readings this afternoon I think it is still running a little bit hot considering its not mid summer yet:fire: but from these results I think I may just get away with it. When I was doing the tests I noticed a few cool little things about the system - every...
  4. u4r1k

    My first ever DWC ScrOG Cabinet Grow

    September/07/2009 I just got the min/max temperature and RH for the propagation area looks like it has stayed really consistent :cool: ---------------------------- Min: 24 C RH: 56% ---------------------------- Max: 27.9 C RH: 63% ---------------------------- U4R1K
  5. u4r1k

    My first ever DWC ScrOG Cabinet Grow

    September/06/2009 The min/max temp and humidity for the last 24 hours are: Min: 24 C RH: 56% ------------------------------------- Max: 27.4 RH: 63% ------------------------------------- These are just the readings from the cabinet the thermometer is sitting on the heat pad and I...
  6. u4r1k

    My first ever DWC ScrOG Cabinet Grow

    Hi everyone I started posting this journal on another site a few days ago: September/05/ 2009. I thought it would be a good idea to post on here as well so I can get more feedback and help because I am completely new to Hydroponics I have a fair idea what I’m doing but I think I have taken on...
  7. u4r1k

    My Recirculating DWC Scrog Cabinet

    Thanks man it took ages maybe 5 months from start to finish but I have been dreaming of building something like this for years!! U4R1K
  8. u4r1k

    My Recirculating DWC Scrog Cabinet

    Sorry I just realised I have modified since I posted this! I had some problems with temps and airflow so I had to pull the 120mm 80CFM fan out and replace it with a more powerful (and noisy!) 150mm 230CFM fan Now the temp average is around 28 C and RH sits around 50% which is still a...
  9. u4r1k

    My Recirculating DWC Scrog Cabinet

    Hey everyone I recently finished building my first DWC ScrOG Cabinet I have posted it on other sites but I thought I'd post on here aswell to hopefully get more feedback and help with the whole process as I am a complete newbie to hydroponics. I will post a grow diary with where I am up to on...