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  1. Geneticfreak

    Cloning help! No roots.

    Rooting gel on the stem + RO water with House and Garden Root Excelurator, AN B52 or another B Vitamin mixed in. Light on the vitamins. They aren’t necessary but they're good and will help.
  2. Geneticfreak

    Cloning help! No roots.

    I dont know about the easy cloner but I have a couple suggestions. First I definately say dome and if it's not fogging with humidity then get a heat mat. If your using those and thats not the problem then It has to be something with the system.
  3. Geneticfreak

    Powdery mildew help im in week 7 of flower

    I had a pm problem and I just used serenade and fixed the problem ultimately by increasing air circulation. Low intake fan, good exhuast, and ocilating fans. When I sprayed my plants I removed them from the room and drenched them. But they we'rent 7 weeks into flower. So brush it on and see what...
  4. Geneticfreak

    Seeds in my buds???

    Didnt know that Jax. Thanks everyone.
  5. Geneticfreak

    Seeds in my buds???

    The likelyhood of polination is slim to none. Hmmm this is puzzling me. I have never had this problem. Hermies typically dont mature into fullblown buds but its the only thing that makes any sense rite now
  6. Geneticfreak

    Seeds in my buds???

    Its not ruined it just has seeds. Come on man...
  7. Geneticfreak

    Seeds in my buds???

    I have sensi stars about to finish in 2 weeks and I found what appears to be seeds. They do not have trichs and they popped up on the tops of some colas. There are no nut sacks. Should I worry about self polation? Or are these just seeds that the plant is throwing for some self preservation? I...
  8. Geneticfreak

    recirculatory air filtering

    U mean just have the fan connected to a filter with no exhaust? U can do that. Buy a good filter.
  9. Geneticfreak

    White mold looking powder on leaves

    Carefully remove the leaf. Wiping will spread the powdery mildew. You will need something to kill or prevent it. I beleive its a air circulation and humidity issue. I use Scorpion juice from Advanced Nutrients.
  10. Geneticfreak

    Sensi Star?

    Can anyone tell me the characteristics of this plant? It's in veg now in Fox Farm soil happy frog under 1000w and it seems to be growing like a stalk. No real side branching. Just wanted to know if anyone had similar experience. I topped and fimmed it. bongsmilie
  11. Geneticfreak

    Scorpion Juice?

    Can I use it to kill powdery mildew? I have some scorpion and havent used it yet and noticed some pm. Any info would help thanks
  12. Geneticfreak

    Harsh bud?

    I harvested about a month ago and have been jar curing. I dried them for 5 days and put em into jars. They seem to still have moisture and are a bit harsh when smoked. What can I do to fix this? Should I leave them out to dry more the put em back into jars? Any help would be appreciated. 75F and...
  13. Geneticfreak

    Into The Dark

    They should be just fine! Dont abort.
  14. Geneticfreak

    Biggest Buds - Great bud porn

    No algae, no burn, no problems!!! This guys got my vote for green thumb of the year!!!
  15. Geneticfreak

    New carbonair and heat problems???

    Thanks! Anyone else?
  16. Geneticfreak

    New carbonair and heat problems???

    I just installed a new 6" filter and my heat is high, sometimes in the low 90s. This was not the case when I had a smaller filter. What gives? Can anyone explain or help? Oh and I installed a speedster (that I have to run non stop). RH is 20%! Im stumped. I just finished a hasvest and this...
  17. Geneticfreak

    Biggest Buds - Great bud porn

    I f@#%in suck at growing compared to this genious!!! This guy set the bar very high!! Wow thats amazing and I want to share it with the world... Inspiring
  18. Geneticfreak


    Yes the should do the trick. My wife and I made rice crispy treats and they were very potent. I used 18g of bud though. We were stuck and didnt really like it. Shit I woke up the next day and was still high!
  19. Geneticfreak

    can u kill plants with 2much co2

    The short answer is yes. It depends on how much your producing. I used to do homemade and never killed a plant with it. Acually worked very well. I would say it's posible but unlikely. Whats the problem?
  20. Geneticfreak

    Just Harvested SSH!!!

    Sativas take a while to finish and the trichomes were clear until the end damn near. At harvest they were 90% cloudy 10% amber.