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  1. B

    She's Flowering!!!

    why would you doubt that? they are autoflowers!
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    She's Flowering!!!

    7-10 weeks? these are autoflowers, the whole life span is roughly 10 weeks.
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    She's Flowering!!!

    I have a few AK-47 autos growing outside. As you can see from the picture she is flowering. Anyone know roughly when she'll be ready?
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    What kind of bug could this be?

    thanks for the replies. i will go tomorrow and try the repellants.
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    What kind of bug could this be?

    I have a plant growing in local woods and when I went to check on it today the leaves had a bunch of holes in them. I don't know what kind of bug this could be. I haven't seen anything on or around the tall grass and plants nearby. Any ideas what this could be be?
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    Has anyone tried Greenhouse seeds "the Church"

    I am wondering the same thing. attitude included it as a freebie in my last order. mine is only about a week and half old.
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    Lighting question for my Autos!!!

    Hey RIU community, I am in the middle of my first grow. I have a few outdoors plants going and I decided to try a few autos indoors. I purchased a T5 lighting system. The total lumens is 5000 and I keep it about 2 inches above my autos. I am growing four plants, should I invest in another...
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    Autoflowering Questions

    I need some information on autoflowering strains. what are the best autoflowering strains? what is a typical yield? can you get multiple harvests from the same plant? I know people don't like autoflowers. I currently have four beauties growing but I wanted to try autoflowers. Information...
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    Autoflowering Questions

    Hey RIU, I am a new grower. I've purchased seeds off of attitude and I currently have four beauties growing. I've been doing research however and I'd be interested in buying autoflowering seeds just to get a shorter harvest. Here are my questions... What is the best strain to grow? What is...
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    Is there anyway to increase the size of your plant

    I understand in time the plants will grow. I know it's only been just over a week. I just wanted to know if there was anything of course of the growing process where I could increase it's size. This is my first grow. Good soil, nutrients, and a lot of sunlight... I have all of that!
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    Is there anyway to increase the size of your plant

    Yeah from what I read, plants can really grow tall outside. Any suggestions on nutrients? I was planning on using foxfarm. Also, when should I start using nutrients? Once I transplant them outside in a few weeks?
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    Is there anyway to increase the size of your plant

    I had seven female seeds. I germinated two and messed up one of its roots white planting so with the other 5 seeds I planted them directly in pots. The ones I germinated I started a week earlier. It's been 10 days and my plant is about 3 inches tall (out of the soil). It has its first set of...
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    First Time Grower - I Have A Quick Question

    haha i would love that 4.5 pound plant. I'll take a pound or close to it and be extrememly happy though. I appreciated the feedback everyone, thanks.
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    First Time Grower - I Have A Quick Question

    Wind shouldn't be much of an issue. The place where I am growing has a giant fence (8 feet maybe) behind it. I did read that wind is a good thing as long as it's not too strong and I know it can still receive a nice breeze. I literally just put my girls in the window sill (just germinated them)...
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    First Time Grower - I Have A Quick Question

    Hey guys, This year is my first grow. I purchased fem seeds off attitude a few weeks ago. I intened on growing outside. I live in Connecticut and our last freeze can vary, sometimes it can be in May. It's been warm lately and I already germinated my seeds. I have them in small pots in my...
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    Connecticut growing|when to plant this year???

    I'm doing the same thing. I started germinating my seeds today. We are suppose to have warm weather here in CT. Hopefully my plants will only have to be window sill plants for 2 weeks or so.
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    What type of fertilizers should i use?

    This is my first grow. It's an outdoor grow and I already have the locations picked out. Both locations have good soil as they have been previously used for vegetable gardens. What I need to know is what are some good fertilizers? I don't want to spend too much money on them but at the same...
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    My First Grow... Tips and Advice Please!!!

    the flowering period is 8 weeks and it says the harvest should happen in september/october. quick question though, if i start growing them in april should they be ready sooner than sep/oct or is 5-6 months the "normal" growing period?
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    My First Grow... Tips and Advice Please!!!

    Hi there, I recently purchased seeds off of attitude seed bank. I bought Hollands Hope because from everything I read it is virtually "idiot proof." I have never grown MaryJane before and I would like some tips please. I live in Connecticut and I will be growing in local woods and fields...