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  1. R

    nutrients help

    thanks very much, the guy at advanced nutrients has also just confirmed what you just said, he reccommended sensi a and b aswell so im deffo going with that i think. what makes you think it may have been the seed if you dont mind me asking? it was a barneys farm seed, heard pretty good things...
  2. R

    nutrients help

    im using a shitty little 600w led, its no bigger than a cereal box :/ i got it with some other stuff i bought, thought id give it a go coz i was only doing 2 plants, but im pretty sure it hasnt helped, iv upgraded for my next one so im pretty sure ill get better results with that, also iv...
  3. R

    nutrients help

    thank you, ill have a look now at mills and see what i can find, i did read the specs for plant magic soil, its organic but they state that it can be used with synthetic fertilizers, so i think your right in saying there are nutrients targeted towards this, i think advanced nutrients are doing...
  4. R

    nutrients help

    Have any on you used advanced nutrients range with biobizz light mix? It's an organic soil but I'm being told by a rep at advanced nutrients to use the synthetic nutrients they advised me to use, but with biobizz light mix, has anyone heard of using organic soil with synthetic nutes because I...
  5. R

    nutrients help

    Looks very nice :) I have been looking at pm, although I'm starting to realise that my nutes weren't the problem, I think my roots got bound inside the jiffy pellets I planted the seeds in, won't be using them again!! :/
  6. R

    nutrients help

    I certainly will let you know how it works out, thank you very much for your help and advice, very much appreciated :)
  7. R

    nutrients help

    Strain is runtz muffin by barneys farm
  8. R

    nutrients help

    I'll post a pic now of the one that's still growing, I think your right about the roots, I started the seeds in jiffy pellets, I was growing one photoperiod (the one that's still growing) and an auto, which I chopped down yesterday, when I looked at the roots of the auto, they'd barely even made...
  9. R

    nutrients help

    I don't think it was entirely the nutrients causing me to have bad results, my light wasn't the best either, so iv upgraded that too, was on a shitty unbranded 600w led, using a spider farmer 1000 now, I do think this effected my yields a lot, there are a lot of things I'm changing aswell as...
  10. R

    nutrients help

    i was using a brand called shogun samurraii, but just the grow and bloom. wanted to keep the grow as simple and as basic as possible. but id like to start using some some more advanced nutrients, i dont know if the problem was that i was only using the basic n-p-k nutrients, and should have been...
  11. R

    nutrients help

    i was wondering if anyone can reccommend a fool proof, tried and tested non-organic nutrients brand for soil please? it has to be available in the u.k. also if any of you can recommend a decent brand, could you please be very kind in providing me with the feeding schedule you use and any other...
  12. R

    Leaf problem

    Using shogun samurai terra bloom, i got happy with it, I drove the dosage up slowly because it dealt with it, but then started showing rusty spots on the leaves so I fed it just water for a week then brought the dosage right down and then gradually back up to the recommended dosage. Thanks for...
  13. R

    Leaf problem

    These pics are a bit clearer
  14. R

    Leaf problem

    Pretty sure I have a good idea of what this is, but I need confirmation before I start making any adjustments, growing in soil with added perlite, indoors, using a basic n-p-k bloom fertlizer after switching from grow fertilizer a few weeks ago, I drove the grow fertilizer down bit by bit before...
  15. R

    12/12 or 14/10 flowering ????

    Only if your growing hydro
  16. R

    12/12 or 14/10 flowering ????

    The idea is not to flush the chemicals out of the plant, but to force the plant to take up any chemicals left in there
  17. R

    12/12 or 14/10 flowering ????

    There is huge debate out there on this subject, but the views are like night and day, flushing is either beneficial to your crop, or it isn't, there's no in-between, just like everything else on the subject, I suppose the only way one can truly know is to try it all and see what works for you...
  18. R

    Broke one of my stems mid flower. Keep or chop off??

    That's what I'm hoping for, I have read that it can be beneficial for your yields so I'm hoping that's the case, I'll report back and let you all know If she recovers