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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Morning Ozzy. Have had some issues with nute burn just hitting week 3 I have been following a feed schedule still on 1/4 grow and 1/2 bloom last feed at this strength. Using dwc has been challenging with regular full and partial water changes as not having an ec meter can't judge what's...
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    DWC strange growing problems

    I feel for you man. Good luck
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    DWC strange growing problems

    Looking at the very small amount of tip burning would that be enough on its own to cause that much damage ?
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    DWC strange growing problems

    And the breeder has no issues as in clones origin?
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    DWC strange growing problems

    Hi just a question a running a separate res
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    Budmaster 2 led 300w anyone used before?

    Hi keen to get in on this one also typically hps. Just to be able to get some real legit comparison thanks all.
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    Root rot?

    RIP respect
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Sorry totally new to posting obviously don't mean to jump on your post not sure how to go about it. Looking forward to seeing how it comes together.
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Just curious never grown outdoors would love to have a spot to duck off too
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    They pen you mention are you getting it ready for next season or planting late
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Silly question but are you in oz?
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    I was thinking of reducing the hours as to slow streeching the not much room now I have lst all the way through they are maybe a meter squared by 2foot tall on top of a dwc res the tents only 2.4*1.2
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Sweet thanks it's great to get to get a second opinion. I will switch it to 10/14 for next two weeks then down to 6/18 there after. Was starting to freak out getting a little casual with my setup need to get it more matainable. Thanks for replying quickly
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Started the issue with a power out right on lights on time just caught it probably 15 min later is why it's out. Going to reset lights when comes on later Cheers
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Hello all just a quick question just checked my timer seems I have not dialed in correctly seems I have an xtra 15 minutes on my 12/12 do you think the will be an issue as lights on at say 9:15 off at 9:10?
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Yeah it's like this got given a clone little sad thing it was back in April. Veged her for 2 months while taking clones to have ready to catch up to mum maybe 4 weeks more in veg including time to root and transfer to dwc then flipped in late May. Lst all the way through.
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Gday mates current dwc 1200 hps week 2 bloom strain pineapple chunk
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    Whats the crack with pineapple chunk?

    Just a note currently have a pineapple chunk in dwc. Have had no issues other than she's huge
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    What causes clawing

    Calmag is great but expensive.
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    What causes clawing

    Too much nitrogen imo