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  1. BongFiend420

    BongFiends Mini Journal

    Here are all 3 of my plants at day 22, still a little in the recovery process. The green crack the the bottom plant.
  2. BongFiend420

    BongFiends Mini Journal

    A deficiency of some sort, My best guess was Nitrogen or Magnesium. I added a little of each to my soil mix and the plants seem to be recovering quite well.
  3. BongFiend420

    BongFiends Mini Journal

    They look a little hurtin, I just tranplanted them into much healthier soil and gave them a little nutrient. They are startn to perk up.
  4. BongFiend420

    BongFiends Mini Journal

    I Love This Shirt, Who's With Me
  5. BongFiend420

    BongFiends Mini Journal

    Here's the GC at day 24, as you can see I have had a small battle with deficiencies.
  6. BongFiend420

    BongFiends Mini Journal

    Right before the transplant. Roots look nice and healthy.
  7. BongFiend420

    BongFiends Mini Journal

    Here are all 3 of my plants that I have right now, the 2 far right plants are strains from friends and the far left is the infamous green crack
  8. BongFiend420

    BongFiends Mini Journal

    Here is a picture of one of my plants at day 18.
  9. BongFiend420

    Well there is a few problems with your plan. Pots are cheap so you mine aswell get like 6-8 pots...

    Well there is a few problems with your plan. Pots are cheap so you mine aswell get like 6-8 pots (10$) you dont want roots intertangling. The 2 litre idea is all good, but the seed idea is a little more complicated. I totally understand you wanting to reproduce your genetics by pollinating one...
  10. BongFiend420

    BongFiends Mini Journal

    Photos will be coming, some are in my album I just need to upload these pics to the net before I can post them. Videos, soon to come aswell !
  11. BongFiend420

    BongFiends Mini Journal

    Hi, I am new to this site and for those of you who don't know me my name is BongFiend:leaf:. I am a young grower with alot to learn and I love all this information this site and the great people on it have to offer. I have a few grows under my belt but nothing really to crazy. I am going to post...
  12. BongFiend420

    3/3 : If you have poked the hole correctly you should get a drip of water every few seconds when...

    3/3 : If you have poked the hole correctly you should get a drip of water every few seconds when holding the 2 litre up, sit this 2 litre in the pot at the base of your plant and depending on the size of your whole it should keep your plants moist for upto a week. I also would probably recomend...
  13. BongFiend420

    2/3 : Before you plant your seeds be sure to germinate them in some distilled or bottled water...

    2/3 : Before you plant your seeds be sure to germinate them in some distilled or bottled water, simply fill a cup half way with bottles water and then drop your seeds in. Once your seeds are in the cup of water just place it in a warm dark area (pitch black), within 2 or 3 days your seeds should...
  14. BongFiend420

    1/3 : No Problem bro, growing marijuana is just a passion of mine and Im glad to share this...

    1/3 : No Problem bro, growing marijuana is just a passion of mine and Im glad to share this valuable knowledge with anyone thats interested. Calling marijuana a drug is absurd it should be known as a natural herb, but thats a whole other topic. Ok since you live with your parents you may not be...
  15. BongFiend420

    My 2010 Summer Guillera Grow Plan Overview

    As far as your plan goes you have a great start. When the weather starts to get better and the snow has melted search for a good location for your plants, look for signs of people as you do not want to risk someone stumbling accross your grow. You have stated that you have a vegetative forests...
  16. BongFiend420

    Purchasing an Aerogarden

    Well your obviously going to wanna go with the AeroGarden SpaceSaver 6 Elite just because it has the most room and can be raised higher, I think it might provide a little more light than the other AeroGardens as well. I have seen some grow journals done with the AeroGarden Elite and I must say...
  17. BongFiend420

    Fish Fertilizer or Fish Emulsion

    Hey what goin down man, I read your question and Bone Meal is a great organic fert in the flower stage. It's especially high in phosphorus and calcium, plus has lower amounts of nitrogen. You can also choose to use other organic sources high in phosphorus such as bat guano. You can usually buy...