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  1. jaymz

    nutes on my leaves

    cheers ppl thanks 4 the help.
  2. jaymz

    nutes on my leaves

    im using a envirolite 200watts blue spectrum and the soil is organic witch i made ph 7 by addin agg lime, and about 1/4 sand 4 drainage its my 1st time growin so im still learnin my plants are nearly 4 weeks old and were lookin really healthy up untill yesterday. i fed them with some canna nutes...
  3. jaymz

    nutes on my leaves

    hey ppl, i got my nutes yezzer day and mixed a week solution to start feeding and i think i got some on 1 of the leaves, heres a pic. all advise very welcome cheers,, :confused:
  4. jaymz

    3 weeks old dutchman pure

    :hump: hey ppl, my flying dutchman are 3 weeks old and lookin well heres some pics to keep u up to date, peace :joint:
  5. jaymz

    Best Nutes To Buy In The U?

    and does it mean coz i got them in organic soil i have to use an organic way of feedin?
  6. jaymz

    Best Nutes To Buy In The U?

    i got my growin kit of this website and they sell all kinds of nutes can anyone tell me wich 1 is the best to go with?? cheers ppl, Hydroponics nutrient solutions - Progrow
  7. jaymz

    Best Nutes To Buy In The U?

    im growin flying dutchman pure they r in organic soil and and are 19 dayz old now and lookin good was just startin to think a bout intro some nutes in a week or so, how long would u say?
  8. jaymz

    Best Nutes To Buy In The U?

    is that online?
  9. jaymz

    Best Nutes To Buy In The U?

    hey i live in the uk and want to know what is the best nutes to buy from a B&Q or somewhere like that??? :hump:
  10. jaymz

    I need help getting seeds.

    hey i ordered from and like fdd2blk said they come in a normal package,, dude u r well paraniod haha
  11. jaymz

    light height with enviro 200 watt in veg state?

    cheers me owd
  12. jaymz

    light height with enviro 200 watt in veg state?

    flying dutchman pure
  13. jaymz

    light height with enviro 200 watt in veg state?

    has any 1 got the perfect height 4 my light its an envirolite 200 watts 6400k my plants are 13 dayz old into veg state i got it about 5" away from the plants,, all advice welcome...
  14. jaymz

    Flying Dutchman Day 11

    shit i knew it was shit cheers,, u rekon they're redy 4 some fert then or am i bein hasty?
  15. jaymz

    Now this is a serious grow room!!!!

    that guy must hav been like a fukin worm,,, in and out the ground ha ha spot on!!
  16. jaymz

    Flying Dutchman Day 11

    hey just addin some new pics, they're 11 days old now and im wonderin if i need to start feedin them nutes yet, a guy at work told me sheep shit gives of loads of nitrogen, he rekons if i put it in a buket with water for a few dayz and keep stiring the water becomes proper gravy 4 my babies...
  17. jaymz

    The Flying Dutchman

    yeah i gotta get me a red enviro, have u got any advise on when is the rite time to start flowerin & when and what sort of fert i need 2 b usin in the veg state, all advice well appreciated cheers,,
  18. jaymz

    My first grow, white widow...

    hey bud, just wonderin if my soil will have enought nutes to take them to the flowerin stage, i was just plannin on lettin them grow natrually with distilled water, what u rekon, ur widows r lookin sweet, they r gonna b my next project,,,
  19. jaymz

    The Flying Dutchman

    yeah they r pure seeds,,
  20. jaymz

    The Flying Dutchman

    the seeds are flying dutchman i got 10 seeds for £18.50