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  1. Whambud

    First time grower

    yeah dude a 300watt dual spectrum cfl 22,000 luimen flux i want 2 of them so a total of 44,000 lumens for 4 -5 plants
  2. Whambud

    First time grower

    what seed company should i get my northerlight strain from
  3. Whambud

    First time grower

    i would'nt mind growing 5 northernlight plants under 2 300watt cfls in soil
  4. Whambud

    First time grower

    it was more to do with the fact that hps bulbs run up the electrisity bills like crazy plus i work 9 till 5 i want to be able to leave the plants sometimes if i went with soil id grow way more i know i should'nt be yield hungry but i need to get as much as i can other wise it will be a waste im...
  5. Whambud

    First time grower

    putting me off doing it now :( looking to start it next week il put up some pictures of the stuff and we can watch it grow together
  6. Whambud

    First time grower

    woah guys come on im just asking a question lay off the bullshit
  7. Whambud

    First time grower

    Basically i'm getting a 4x4 pot 11l DWC 2x 250watt cfl and a 1.2m x 1.2m mylar grow tent set up with the fan and carbon filter and duct i've never grown weed before but have a fair bit of knowledge from videos and friends but i want to grow some northernlights 4 plants i'm getting the nutrients...