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  1. N

    New to this, How can I improve my setup?

    Thanks for the reply. I will take my photos with the LEDs off in the future. I will spend more than 5 seconds taking photos as well. I was just excited and I spent so much energy on setting everything up that I just wanted to post something. It is not an auto grow. The 3 smaller plants are...
  2. N

    New to this, How can I improve my setup?

    I just yesturday recieved my 4x2 gorilla grow tent and my KIND LED K450. I set up my carbon filter and my exhaust is outputting through an external window. I just wanted somebody to look at my setup and tell me what noobie mistakes I am making. Thanks in advance, Im glad to be creating my own...
  3. N

    New Grower, Long question, New Tent and LED lights, old plants

    thanks for replying. I think I will keep the plants I have at the moment while my seeds are germinating to practice a few techniques that I will use later with my good plants. The only question I have about the LEDs so far is... Do I really have to get a pair of LED operator's glasses or is that...
  4. N

    New Grower, Long question, New Tent and LED lights, old plants

    Hello, I am a new grower. The laws recently changed and the day that they went into affect, I started growing some bad seed in my south facing window. I eventually moved these plants to a skylight in my bathroom, which improved conditions for the plants. But I have the bug, and I really want...
  5. N

    im new

    im new