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    thrips in outdoor soil

    what would be a good alternative then?
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    thrips in outdoor soil

    after further investigation i think the could possibly be root aphids, there not fungas nats because there bodies are white in color. im not planting for another month or so, so im thinking of doing a ton of soil drenches in the mean time.
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    thrips in outdoor soil

    i could drench the soil with spinosad,and neem oil, but i was looking for a way to possibly kill them 100% not do damage control so to speak, i just know its best to start pest free and do preventive sprays then to be spraying to control the infestation
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    thrips in outdoor soil

    grew couple plants last outdoor season, got thrips in early flower, started spraying monteray spinosad. just got back into the garden and was digging the old soil out and noticed thrips everywhere.. whats my best course of action? id like to completly get rid of them. so what could i use as a...