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  1. ItsJustMe84

    90f plus in my grow room

    Right the tents about 4 ft tall. 6ft in length 3ft in width. I have two 4'' carbon filters. Im only using a cheap thermom. Woulf that make a difference and how do u think my plants look. Or can u not really tell at this stage?
  2. ItsJustMe84

    90f plus in my grow room

    Right guys my set up is 2 x 600w 2 x carbon filters 4inch two fans. Now i turned one of my lights off last night so now i have 1 600w going and the temps dropped to 84. But ive had to make vent holes in the side of my black and white and i keep the self made door open. The air feels good in...
  3. ItsJustMe84

    36 hours later

    Yh maybe ill have too. The temps actually dropped to 86 now but i have the door open the sides pulled up for vent 2 fans 2 4''carbon filters. Is there any chance the therms wrong lol
  4. ItsJustMe84

    36 hours later

    Wtf man i just turned off a 600w and put my plants under 1 600w and now the temps rising from 90 to 92. Wtf is going on?
  5. ItsJustMe84

    36 hours later

    Yes i will try n find it now
  6. ItsJustMe84

    36 hours later

    Thankyou for the advice i really appreciate it. I have 2 600w running at the mo, maybe i should turn one off see how the temp does then hopefully the outside temp might drop a little. I doubt im gonna get 3 x 600 w in here. Thing is im from the uk and the temps here are nver to warm although it...
  7. ItsJustMe84

    36 hours later

    Oh the post also said the plants would be fine at extra heat just as long as i pay them extra attention with watering etc etc. Im stuck really. Hopefully winter will come soon and the temps will drop
  8. ItsJustMe84

    36 hours later

    Ok well i can go on the readings but within 48 hours all my plants have sprouted they look good and personally it feels nice in there. Plenty of air circulation. Thing is im using a cheap thermometere. It doesnt even have a humidity gage. It just doesnt feel humid. I watered my plants last night...
  9. ItsJustMe84

    90f plus in my grow room

    so i started my plants 48 hours ago and so far everythings been fine 17 of my 21 plants are showing and look to be doing well, but after getting a thermometre to day i keep getting readings 0f 91 to 93f, now i have to 4 inch carbon filters, 2 fans, a great air circulation, when im inside the...
  10. ItsJustMe84

    36 hours later

    Cheers guys now my problem is the temp been around 90 i have 2 fans 2 4inch extractors the air flows great in my opinion and humidity levels are spot on it just shows it a little warm now ive read that high temps are good as long as the humidity doesnt get to high. I still need to put another...
  11. ItsJustMe84

    36 hours later

    So ive gone up to see my babys this morning give them a little more water and around 6 of the have broke the surface. Happy days. A couple still have the seed on there heads. Should i remove or leave it ?
  12. ItsJustMe84

    1st day of veg

    Sorry i never explained. Im only keeping 12. 4 plants per 600w. Im picking the ones that look best and experimenting with a couple of free strains. Testing nutrients n that. Buy the time they flower theyll only be 12. Suppose u could call it survival of the fittest lol
  13. ItsJustMe84

    Pre-Mixing Nutrients

    do a weaker mix and see what happens oh ok well my friend has always done mixes before and theyve been fine, maybe its your local water that doesnt react well to mixing, its a ballache feeding them without mixing but if you gotta do it, good luck
  14. ItsJustMe84

    Pre-Mixing Nutrients

    are you measuring your nutrients by what it says on the bottles? my friend had a simlair problem and he started adding less nutrients, and that helped.
  15. ItsJustMe84

    soil drying to fast

    it was soaked soon as i planted the seed, the whole of the soil doesnt go dry its just the first 2 inches. my lights come back on at 6pm and i shall feed them properly then, how much should i pour into a pot that size?
  16. ItsJustMe84

    soil drying to fast

    so i started my veg last night on an 18_6 cycle in 9cm pots, now at the moment ive been advised not to use nutes just water, now im using a spray bottle to water my seedling but with me vegging under 2 x 600w the top of the soil seems to dry up within an hour or 2, i have no problem spraying...
  17. ItsJustMe84

    veg feed.

    Thanks for the advice man always appreciated. When u say a 1/4 strength of the recomended dosage? Sorry im total newb
  18. ItsJustMe84

    veg feed.

    Yes well this is why i asked for advice as my friend swears by nutes from day 1. I wasnt happy about that as i felt it might be to much for them. This my first so when u say cotyledons im unsure what u mean? Do u mean the shell of the seed? A couple of my seeds have broke soil in less than 12...
  19. ItsJustMe84

    1st day of veg

    I do pay my electric i just dont pay for the lights. I tried to get clones but nobody had the strain i wanted. It is my first ever grow obviously it aint gonna be perfect but im doing this for the smoke and because i find it interesting. Everything from here on out is a learning curve. Thanks...
  20. ItsJustMe84

    veg feed.

    Hey guys, so i put my seeds to pot last night, and under light. Now i have them under 2 600w. So far all ive done is spray them with water when the soils dried ontop. But starting from tonight i was thinking veg feed. Now my friend left a feeding plan. Now from i read less is always more to...