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  1. L

    Soma is a Narc and a fake frontman

    What would you like explained ?
  2. L

    Soma is a Narc and a fake frontman

    Kk No these people don't disagree and have a conversion about it they just attack but you only notice when i defend myself hmmm strange my replies are defensive
  3. L

    Soma is a Narc and a fake frontman

    I just gave a pretty good case for my point and you try to come in here and discredit me that raises a red flag also and is a bad move if your on here trying to sell seeds
  4. L

    Soma is a Narc and a fake frontman

    Aja Seeds I'm not even going to look into your gear let me guess another fucking OG breeder ooh i cant wait what's next Spider Man Og ?
  5. L

    Soma is a Narc and a fake frontman

    Oh your just another Seed Co owner friend of his i see
  6. L

    Soma is a Narc and a fake frontman

    What's up Grojak somethin you want to say to me like a man ? Warning everyone that this dude is a fake and a narc that i am actually now myself a narc ?! For what ? explain yourself
  7. L

    Soma is a Narc and a fake frontman

    Boom ready with the cool graphics wow I'm impressed
  8. L

    Soma is a Narc and a fake frontman

    You guys are like the most advanced trolls I've come across
  9. L

    Soma is a Narc and a fake frontman

    Wow the trolls over here have cool pictures
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    Soma is a Narc and a fake frontman

    Anyway back to the subject
  11. L

    Soma is a Narc and a fake frontman

    This dude is just like Soma starts a bunch of shit then says peace afterward
  12. L

    Soma is a Narc and a fake frontman

    No one cares if your done dude you don't contribute anything to any thread ever except to troll and start a post about your bagseed grows
  13. L

    Soma is a Narc and a fake frontman

    A friend of mine was banned from anther site bcus of this guy
  14. L

    Soma is a Narc and a fake frontman

    Its all in there dude read it again and you Strait8666 Strai8 Smokin. or whatever your name is i was hoping to see your trolling ass on anther site so i can let you know that people avoid threads on other sites when you and a few other members are posting for fear of being trolled
  15. L

    Soma is a Narc and a fake frontman

    The way he was speaking to me was the main reason i had him send a pic bcus his front made me think this can't be Soma he replied.Not fucking Soma? So we all fell for his bs
  16. L

    Soma is a Narc and a fake frontman

    Oh here comes all Somas friends to discredit me lol fuck off
  17. L

    Soma is a Narc and a fake frontman

    I love when people like you come on posts and try to dictate what people can and cant say
  18. L

    Soma is a Narc and a fake frontman

    My friends and i contacted him through Facebook my friend found him on there because he and Soma had a mutual friend and this friend of mine knew i had some questions for him so we contacted him through my friends profile for starters the mutual friend is a person in the cannabis industry and...
  19. L

    Soma is a Narc and a fake frontman

    Oh good i have a list.Ready ?
  20. L

    Soma is a Narc and a fake frontman

    Just a warning to all you growers out there