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  1. O

    Help here

    You need to do more research first. This is a whole new world. I got an e-book off the internet - I forget how I found it. But the fact is, as I found out the hard way, is, that growing the plants is the easy part, just like tomatoes. But getting them to produce is very complicated. You...
  2. O

    newbie to organics needs help!

    This is my first grow. I am not counting my "other" first grow, as it was a total flop. I have access to llama beans, and this time is all I have used on the plants. I have been using it as a tea to water my 6 plants with. (Indoor in potting soil). Should I ever use pure water to water them, or...
  3. O

    What does LST mean?

    I am a first grower. You guys told me to LST. I will do it right away.
  4. O

    first grow - need advice on readineess to flower

    I have been growing 4 sativas from clones and 1 indica from seed. for about 7 weeks. Have them in the second bedroom. Was off to slow start, lights not strong enough. Plants growing faster now that have strong CFLs with hoods, and watering with llama manure tea. Growing in Miracle Grow...