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  1. J

    How's my plant?

    K will do :)
  2. J

    How's my plant?

    Thanks for the replies guys its 3 weeks old and I'm using top soil for the top with perlite and normal soil for the bottom and water once a week ( water takes quite a while to go away).
  3. J

    How's my plant?

    Hey guys is my plant okay? Like must I add nutes or something oh and by the way all of my plants FIRST 2 leaves have died the small smooth ones. Some pics:
  4. J

    My first harvest indoors.

    Looking Good:clap:, Merry Christmas Everyone :) :D :joint:
  5. J

    How's my plants?

    Btw will that 1 seedling live?
  6. J

    How's my plants?

    Thanks and will do :)
  7. J

    How's my plants?

    Had to move them outside lights blew :(
  8. J

    How's my plants?

    awee thanks all ok now wat happened is my mom (was visiting) knocked my grow box over and the stems are broken but has 1 little attachment to it and i tied them to tooth picks to stop them from saging :(
  9. J

    How's my plants?

    ya I also thought that prob coz they not getting enough light? but they also sativas or hybrid
  10. J

    How's my plants?

    Hi everyboody just want to know if my plants are going well on day 3 thanks. Day 1 Day 3
  11. J

    How to keep my seeds warm

    Thanks for the replies I did all the methods I used the shot glass then straight to soil 100% and my one in that paper towel thing worked I'm still waiting for the other 3 to crack and I wrapped the plates in a towel and put it in my closet and its working great thanks for all your replys cheers...
  12. J

    First Grow...Scared & Desperate...Advice Please!!

    Looks good Good luck
  13. J

    How to keep my seeds warm

    Hey guys I'm back again and how do I keep my seeds warm while they in soil or paper towels? Thanks :joint:
  14. J

    Using topsoil + perlite to plant my seeds in?

    Thank you guys.
  15. J

    Smoke Dope:bigjoint:

    Smoke Dope:bigjoint:
  16. J

    What lighting?

    Thanks guys sorry I havent been active
  17. J

    Using topsoil + perlite to plant my seeds in?

    Thanks I made it 50 perlite 50 topsoil and it works great im using a yogurht cup for the seedlings will this be ok? And if the topsoil is ok could I use from veg to harvest? Thanks again
  18. J

    Using topsoil + perlite to plant my seeds in?

    Hey everybody, I just got Jamacian kush seeds 5 of them and I just put them in a moist paper towel could I use topsoil and perlite as my medium for the seeds? And bonsai soil and perlite for after the 3 week mark I don't know if i can and my brands looks pretty sterile. Thanks :joint:
  19. J

    What lighting?

    Hey I don't know if this is the right thread but ah well, so I have a hydroponic garden and I want nice dank buds from me og kush and powerplant, 1 power , 2 og kush because I'm still starting, they clones but I have a big garage that I can grow but I hear cfls produce crappy buds and leds also...