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  1. jerseymonkey

    FIRST PLANTS EVER - From seed to smoke - Welcome anyone's thoughts ;)

    No problem grasscropper:mrgreen:. Let me know how it works out. Upload some pics here when you get around to making your light stand. PVC cutting actually comes in handy. I've since made two camera tripods with PVC pipes for about $5 (Retail on a professional camera tripod is about $470). So...
  2. jerseymonkey

    FIRST PLANTS EVER - From seed to smoke - Welcome anyone's thoughts ;)

    Building a PVC grow light stand is ideal (in my opinion) because you can always raise it or lower it as you see fit (and as your plants continue to grow). To build it, I just watched this youtube video. Check it out...and it will help you get set everything up. Shoot me a holler if you any...
  3. jerseymonkey

    FIRST PLANTS EVER - From seed to smoke - Welcome anyone's thoughts ;)

    Hey guys, took some quick pics of 4 of my stalks along with pics of the trichomes for each stalk. WELCOME ANYONE's THOUGHTS IF I SHOULD I HARVEST NOW? STALK #1 STALK #2 STALK #3 STALK #4 Best. -JM
  4. jerseymonkey

    FIRST PLANTS EVER - From seed to smoke - Welcome anyone's thoughts ;)

    It was August 23rd when I took these. And I started flower on June 8th. So that puts us at: 11h week of FLOWER. UPDATE: I've kept it strictly H20 with *no nutes* for my last watering. Also...I only water my plant when her leaves began to slightly wilt. Once I see that I know it's time to...
  5. jerseymonkey

    FIRST PLANTS EVER - From seed to smoke - Welcome anyone's thoughts ;)

    Looking real good man. Yeah my plants exploded in their growth once I put them in a cooler environment. I expect yours will do the same ;) So far they're looking good. Keep doing what your doing. Looking forward to seeing your results. In the's week 11 (see next post)
  6. jerseymonkey

    FIRST PLANTS EVER - From seed to smoke - Welcome anyone's thoughts ;)

    It was August 15th when I took these. And I started flower on June 8th. So that puts us at: 10th week of FLOWER. UPDATE: Bud are getting mega-fat :eyesmoke: Enjoy the pics. As always I welcome any thoughts, comments, or...
  7. jerseymonkey

    FIRST PLANTS EVER - From seed to smoke - Welcome anyone's thoughts ;)

    Nah I'm not sweating it. Like I said before...I never even thought I was gonna make it to to be this close to harvest and still going somewhat strong...I'm stoked. In the next coming weeks I plan on doing a big flush with her to get ready for harvest. Anyway...noob or not...from one...
  8. jerseymonkey

    FIRST PLANTS EVER - From seed to smoke - Welcome anyone's thoughts ;)

    Okay so you're down for Aug 25th. Really sorry to hear about your crop. Sucks man. Really sucks. Yeah def get an oscillating fan for future grows. They're relatively cheap (prob can find one on craigslist for dirt cheap). And they will build up your stems nice and strong during veg. It sucks...
  9. jerseymonkey

    FIRST PLANTS EVER - From seed to smoke - Welcome anyone's thoughts ;)

    Didn't use nutes for a while because that's what I read the solution was for nute burn. Was it the right call to hold off for 3 weeks? Who knows but, since this was my first plant and I didn't have any other females to experiment on...I choose to run the risk of having possibly smaller buds and...
  10. jerseymonkey

    FIRST PLANTS EVER - From seed to smoke - Welcome anyone's thoughts ;)

    It was August 8th when I took these. And I started flower on June 8th. So that puts us at: 9th week of FLOWER. UPDATE: Some of the leaves have started turning yellow. I've read that this is normal as you approach harvest. As for nutes...because of the nute burn before...I've kept it strictly...
  11. jerseymonkey

    FIRST PLANTS EVER - From seed to smoke - Welcome anyone's thoughts ;)

    I'm not sure on the answer to that, but I'm sure someone on here will definitely be able to answer for you. As far as I know, it's always been a light cycle of 18 hours – 24 hours of bright white for vegetative. And 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness with soft white/bright white mixed in...
  12. jerseymonkey

    FIRST PLANTS EVER - From seed to smoke - Welcome anyone's thoughts ;)

    Thank you man… I appreciate it :-) She's really starting to get big. Can't wait till harvest but… just want to take it one week at a time one day at a time, you know I'm saying? will post week 9 in a few days :) thanks for the kind words. My goal is that hopefully someone just starting out as...
  13. jerseymonkey

    FIRST PLANTS EVER - From seed to smoke - Welcome anyone's thoughts ;)

    Damn your girl is pretty. She's got almost purple-ish colored hairs!!! Fucking sweet. That's gonna be a dope nugget at Harvest time. As for the loupe I use. I just got that shit at Amazon. I hold it up to my iphone when I'm taking pics and Ka-Blamo!!! Shit is money son!!!! (Plus it only cost me...
  14. jerseymonkey

    FIRST PLANTS EVER - From seed to smoke - Welcome anyone's thoughts ;)

    Thanks for all the PMs and friendly reminders about week 8…lol. No worries I didn’t forget about you guys. Sorry about dropping off for a bit but, shit got mega-crazy for a while.... but wow…I was not expecting this following. Thank you:) So as a token of my appreciation for...
  15. jerseymonkey

    FIRST PLANTS EVER - From seed to smoke - Welcome anyone's thoughts ;)

    Sorry guys...Got completely jammed up this week. Will post pics either tonight or tomorrow I promise. In the meantime feel free to post your own killer pics on this thread of your own progress. I'm dying to see how everyone else is doing growing with CFLs. Gotta run. Be well -JM
  16. jerseymonkey

    FIRST PLANTS EVER - From seed to smoke - Welcome anyone's thoughts ;)

    Thanks man. I appreciate that. Fingers crossed man...the finish line is in sight for my first offical harvest. Shit is exciting son!!!! :bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint: ;) will post more pics soon... Best. --JM
  17. jerseymonkey

    FIRST PLANTS EVER - From seed to smoke - Welcome anyone's thoughts ;)

    Okay it's July 26th when I took these. And I started flower on June 8th. So that puts us at: 7th week of FLOWER. Buds are really starting to get fat. Also added even more lights Since I had nutrition burn on the tips of the leaves I went ahead and only used water for the last week or so...
  18. jerseymonkey

    FIRST PLANTS EVER - From seed to smoke - Welcome anyone's thoughts ;)

    will do. Just moved them into a room with an AC and just checked the temp and it's steady at 82 with lights on. For lights off...temp will prob dip down to 75 or so. will post updates soon. Thanks for the advice Mr. Ganja and Mr. Maryjane...appreciate it ;)
  19. jerseymonkey

    FIRST PLANTS EVER - From seed to smoke - Welcome anyone's thoughts ;)

    For my plants... while the lights are on: temps go from 85 - high 90s When they go to bed: I bring them into the bedroom with me (which is where I have my grow tent) and I usually have the AC on in my the tent will get a little of that chill and it stays around 80 or so. Too...