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  1. ItsJustMe84

    nute burn, cutting affected leaves

    Ive listened i just think its abit extreme to tell me to ditch a nute plans thats worked for me, my plants look amazing since i switched to flower it might be my first grow but when i look at my plants, when i look how far theyve come and the work ive put in from knowing absolutly nothing and...
  2. ItsJustMe84

    nute burn, cutting affected leaves

    Am sorry but how are you helping me ? Youve been a dick and told me to ditch my nute plan even though its been working for me, why cant u just accept im new and im gonna learn from my mistakes, the guys on this post give me advice and speak to me with respect you come and tell me im failing with...
  3. ItsJustMe84

    nute burn, cutting affected leaves

    Belive m I will no doubt read the link youve sent, and i will in no doubt improve my feeding the next time around, but i havnt done all this work and spent all this money to have u telling me to scrap it,yh it might not be perfect but if im doing what i can with what i know, im growing these...
  4. ItsJustMe84

    nute burn, cutting affected leaves

    Yeah that made no sense to me, i asked u why my plant wont produce? Seems like you're making out theres something alot more wrong with my plants than there actually is, and that my friend is what you call a cunts trick,
  5. ItsJustMe84

    nute burn, cutting affected leaves

    So i was using vitalink part a part b, veg, and using 2 fox farm root devs which ill use all the way til the end, now ive switched to vitalink bloom part a and b, i get my ph right so tell me what am i doing so wrong with that? Cause others have grown fine with it? Vitalinks a popular veg and...
  6. ItsJustMe84

    nute burn, cutting affected leaves

    A veg food that helps with root development from its called fox farm on the label
  7. ItsJustMe84

    nute burn, cutting affected leaves

    So you're telling me and everyone on the post that my plant right there on the pic and the rest wont produce me some good bud? And before you moan about the leaves looking droopy they havnt been fed yet
  8. ItsJustMe84

    nute burn, cutting affected leaves

    I mixed the nutes the wrong way round, so instead of adding 1ml of root dev i added 10ml, and vice versa, the next day the leafs burnt and turned yellow? At that time the burnt tips were the top of the plant before new nodes grew and saying i have a severe case of whatever is just bullshit, i...
  9. ItsJustMe84

    nute burn, cutting affected leaves

    Yes say what you thought the minute you come on here with you're cocky attitude, like i said you need not of bothered wasting you're time, u should of just said what you thought and let your ego grow abit more
  10. ItsJustMe84

    nute burn, cutting affected leaves

    Yeah im gonna ditch my whole nute plan just cause u said i should even though u havnt got a clue what im using, why should i trust you over my friend whos grown for years? You have no idea how im growing, were im growing yet you expect me to ditch what im doing amd start again, whyy? If my...
  11. ItsJustMe84

    nute burn, cutting affected leaves

    Daniel Yeah i respect that but it dont mean im gonna take shit from him because he knows what hes doing I get that m8 but its hard to take advice when im getting spoken to like that, i didnt understand the guy, and i explained this, it was only when d boii explained i got what he was getting...
  12. ItsJustMe84

    nute burn, cutting affected leaves

    Ive read his posts and i agree the guy knows his stuff no doubt, i said to him i respect him for that but hes so good at it, it gets him mad when others arnt ha
  13. ItsJustMe84

    nute burn, cutting affected leaves

    Also a top dogs no good to a newb when the newb hasnt got a clue what the top dogs on about ha
  14. ItsJustMe84

    nute burn, cutting affected leaves

    See what you did that uncle ben didnt you explained in a term i understand better, i have a friend who's grown for years and i use his nutrient plan, all i know is it seems to work ok and the ph tests right, for now im happy with that, i tried to explain to him but he was hell bent on explaining...
  15. ItsJustMe84

    nute burn, cutting affected leaves

    Yeah im kinda realizing certain changes in them, i noticed they always look amazing after the dark period, all the leafs rise up, then before the light period ends they seem to slump abit, is that normal?
  16. ItsJustMe84

    nute burn, cutting affected leaves

    Niccee good job there pal,hopefully one day ill be growing like that too
  17. ItsJustMe84

    nute burn, cutting affected leaves

    Out of everyone ive spoke to on here you've always spoke sense, i know im doing okk, i might be new but ive been around enough grows to know that im not getting it totally wrong, otherwise my plants would be dead, ive heard its even normal for you're bottoms to yellow if not common,
  18. ItsJustMe84

    nute burn, cutting affected leaves

    Thank u, 8 of my other plants are fine its just a few that look abit light the pic been the worst, one
  19. ItsJustMe84

    nute burn, cutting affected leaves

    Ya should of just of said that instead of wasting the last two hours posting. Good luck to ya