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  1. cdd10

    Opinions on this fan?

    Too big? Haha
  2. cdd10

    Second grow about to finish maybe, what do you think? (pics)

    Yeah maybe just a couple more days but there is amber in there for sure huh!
  3. cdd10

    Bonzaseeds Experience

    My order from bonza was not very stealthy and I had green tape but no letter :/ said they wouldn't re-ship without letter
  4. cdd10

    Opinions on this fan?

    So I'm thinking about putting this is my 3x3 tent. Think it might work okay?
  5. cdd10

    1 day old plant already sprouted out of soil??

    Nice. Could it take longer to sprout out o soil if you germinate until the seeds just pop open, then put them in soil!? Or will that not work?
  6. cdd10

    Carbon filter insert?

    So I can't stick it on my exhaust?
  7. cdd10

    Man stopped questioned arrested for trespassing at place of work 258 times

    Cops abusing power once again. Some cops think they are just so high and mighty. Quite funny that they think abusing a regular citizens rights is making them look good. It just makes them look like an idiot and makes people not respect them.
  8. cdd10

    Water runoff

    Well I haven't transplanted yet. I have roots organic original soil. Was going to mix dolomite lime with it and get the runoff at a good pH before I put anything in it because I heard that soil is pretty hot. Good idea?
  9. cdd10

    Carbon filter insert? Would something like this reduce the smell a little bit? Don't really care that it smells just wanna reduce the smell a little.
  10. cdd10

    Water runoff

    When I check the water runoff after I water and it's not what I want it to can I ph up some water and add more water? Or would that over water? Maybe wait a little while after the first water? PH up it the next time I water?
  11. cdd10

    is 250 CFM exhuast enough? 1000w MH Veg Room 6X3X8

    what about with a 3x3 400w setup grow tent with a fan blowing in a passive intake, and sucking out the other side up into the attic.tested it out, put a lighter up the intake and turned on the fan, sucked the flame down pretty good, and the outside room being temperature controlled. you think a...
  12. cdd10

    Hermaphrodite question

    Well yeah I was thinking about it if I did end up getting a male or a hermie ya know?
  13. cdd10

    Hermaphrodite question

    Does a hermie produce feminized seeds or do you get feminized seeds when you pollinate a female
  14. cdd10

    Ventilation questions

    So I'm going to have two fans in tent. One pulling air in and one pulling air out to the attic. Do I need cooling flanges on each end of the ducting. If so, I need four cooling flanges correct?
  15. cdd10

    Roots organic soil question

    Hm I heard a tablespoon of it per gallon of soil
  16. cdd10

    What Are You Listening To?

  17. cdd10

    Soil question

    Stupid question? Haha
  18. cdd10

    Soil question

    Is it okay to add some miracle grow perilite and sphagnum to my roots organic original soil?
  19. cdd10

    Roots organic soil question

    Okay I am not gonna use the Super soil this go around and I hear that the roots organic original soil I have is too acidic for seedlings so I'm gonna add some dolomite lime to it. How much should I add? Can you put too much. Do I need to put perilite in with the lime as well? Sorry I know I...
  20. cdd10

    Subcools super soil do's and dont's!

    So with the Super soil you don't use any nutrients!? Am I wrong lol just water