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  1. ItsJustMe84

    Hard or Soft Water?

    Cheers dude but ive already ordered the ph down.
  2. ItsJustMe84

    Hard or Soft Water?

    The only thing i can think i did different was on my other my two was feed them tap water without letting it stand, were as id always let my water stand for at least 24 hours before adding nutes also the temps were abit warmer than usual with it been summer, my first grow i did in winter
  3. ItsJustMe84

    Hard or Soft Water?

    My first grow was great but the 2 after that have had many problems, ive still produced decent buds but my god were the plants ugly with dis coloured leafs branches leaning to the sides they looked sick...
  4. ItsJustMe84

    Hard or Soft Water?

    Cheers pal, would you say i could be ok just adjusting the ph and carrying on as i did before because all this is kinda confusing and im starting in a week or so i already have quite abit to buy.
  5. ItsJustMe84

    Hard or Soft Water?

    Oh and im not thinking of using vinegar over ph down i was just messing around lol
  6. ItsJustMe84

    Hard or Soft Water?

    Cheers mate, i actually added a little vinegar to the glass of water im testing and the ph dropped right down to 5.1 and i only added a couple of drops in a half pint glass.. Im hoping if ive managed with soft water nutes and not testing ph, that hard water nutes and ph adjusting might pay off...
  7. ItsJustMe84

    Hard or Soft Water?

    The thing is i used soft water nutes for my last 3 grows and dont get me wrong ive had a few deficiancys but i still managed to produce some good weed!! I just hope i dont mess it up trying to get to technical but im eager to learn the ins and outs. It was only when i tested my ph then searched...
  8. ItsJustMe84

    Hard or Soft Water?

    I dont know about the ec readings tbh i was just going on your ph level, which ive been told is oerfect for coco i think between 5.8 and 6.2 but as far as ec readings im still trying to learn and tbh im abit clueless what the ec readings mean
  9. ItsJustMe84

    Hard or Soft Water?

    Yes well im defo going for some ph down, im just waiting for my hard water nutes to arrive so i can see how much theyll bring the PH down, i just hope im doing the right thing switching to hard water nutes
  10. ItsJustMe84

    Hard or Soft Water?

    What ph is soft water? Or there abouts
  11. ItsJustMe84

    Hard or Soft Water?

    My PH levels are around 8.2 and my water company says its slightly hard, i spoke to someone at my local hydroponics and they said i defo need hardwater base nutes and that they will adjust the ph. I think a reading of 6 is very good for tap water, its definantly not hard water at 6.0 though...
  12. ItsJustMe84

    Hard or Soft Water?

    Im not sure what a water r/o is but ill look into it...
  13. ItsJustMe84

    Hard or Soft Water?

    Im in the UK mate i think our last drought was over 50 yrs ago haha ive been using my tap water for the past year ive been growing, its only now in learning about ph testing that i want to know what nutes i should use. Up until now id been using a soft water nute, but i checked the water for my...
  14. ItsJustMe84

    Hard or Soft Water?

    I get that and hear people mentioning testing the run off all the time but ill be just handwatering mine, so do i dip the ec meter in my made up nutes after ive adjusted the ph or what? And what reading am i looking for?
  15. ItsJustMe84

    Hard or Soft Water?

    Cool, thanks for that dude, ive done alright up until now not using anything not even a ph tester... although i have experienced deficianys. So how do you use a ppm meter what does it do? What exactly are you measuring?
  16. ItsJustMe84

    Hard or Soft Water?

    How do you test EC btw? Is it necessary?
  17. ItsJustMe84

    Hard or Soft Water?

    No my PH is 8.1, its ok anyway ive found out anything over 7.8 requires hard water nutes. The funny thing is my first grow which is all documented on here i used a soft water product, never tested the PH and F'd up a few times and still managed to pull 54oz of good weed off 9 plants under 3x...
  18. ItsJustMe84

    Hard or Soft Water?

    Hey guys, ive been using a soft water nutrient as advised by the guy who taught me to grow about a year back, but ive just found out the water were i live is classed as slightly hard and reads at 8.1 straight from the tap, now before i start my next grow id like to know wether i should switch to...
  19. ItsJustMe84

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    Im in the uk anyway, i did hear cal mag was especially important if you're using soft tap water in coco, im sure ill figure the balance out on my own. Cheers dude much appreciated