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  1. bongman08

    I have to places to grow, where would you do it?

    id let ur missus come on her and have a read might numb her a bit, i always thought the basement would be better specially the little room sounds perfect just line it with mylar,ut im only on my first grow myself as for money iv spent about £40 so far and have a 9" white widow plant i use cfl's...
  2. bongman08

    goin to flower wat ferts and wen help

    k nice one shes goin into flowering tonight so i got some potas comin in 2 days
  3. bongman08

    goin to flower wat ferts and wen help

    :eyesmoke:im goin to start flowering i think its potassium i need but wen should i give it my baby :wall:
  4. bongman08

    growing problems help please

    its only 15 watt though
  5. bongman08

    growing problems help please

    wat does everyone think to a red spectrum uva bulb for flwering will it help
  6. bongman08

    growing problems help please

    im growing in straight soil i have used a bit of bat guano just short of wat it says to use. i have give it some plant tonic to help against the yellowin this just contains iron, magnesium and some other stuff. and i used bio grow as a general feed since seedling i have changed that to just...
  7. bongman08

    One 26 W CFL per Plant hopeless?

    does anyone think a vivarium UVB bulb will be any good
  8. bongman08

    growing problems help please

    k will do now my leaf tips are also browning and its done this from seedling but it is literally the tip and is not affecting the rest of the leaves could this be the light as well
  9. bongman08

    growing problems help please

    i had jus one 26 watt cfl bout 10" away but i read further and have added another 26 w and moved them both bout 5" away
  10. bongman08

    growing problems help please

    just looks reallly spread out and the leaves comin of are less then 1cm from the main stem is that ok
  11. bongman08

    growing problems help please

    I have got a white widow plant its about 4 weeks old and just short of 9" but there is only 4 nodes on it, is this right or wat please help