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  1. ItsJustMe84

    noob grow, 2 weeks old with pics..

    Nice, stocky sounds good as i have height restrictions too, hence why i got the pure kush as it stated 100% indica yet there still over 3 and half ft tall very bushy though.. Funny enough though my best plant is one of the free seeds i got, delicious cheese candy, im kicking myself for not...
  2. ItsJustMe84

    noob grow, 2 weeks old with pics..

    I just dont have anywere to seperate it at the moment.. i wish i did.. taking off affected branches has helped as if id of left them bushy theres no way id spot them all.. Whats the problem anyway?
  3. ItsJustMe84

    noob grow, 2 weeks old with pics..

    Yeah its a pretty shitty feeling man, since i started growing sept of last year ive done 4 grows back to back max of 10 plants each time and never had a hermie, ive always gone from seed but im starting t9 consider growing my own mother, is it best to find a strongMother from regular seeds as...
  4. ItsJustMe84

    noob grow, 2 weeks old with pics..

    Well its been 3 days now, ive been checking them twice a day, every node, every bud, every stalk, leaving little bits of string on each node so i know theyve been checked and i havnt seen a single bit of hermie growth, no sacks no nanners, plus the buds seem to be growing nice, especially now...
  5. ItsJustMe84

    noob grow, 2 weeks old with pics..

    Yes well even if i see one nanner or sack im just going to chop, its not a nice thing to do but the more i think about it keeping them seems foolish, 6 weeks down the drain, all i can hope for now is that my remaining 6 make use of the extra space and light... :( sad times
  6. ItsJustMe84

    Ready for 12/12?

    I wonder if dutch passion created the hermie reverse as a scam to make more money off all the hermie seeds they sell people haha ps ive read so many posts of growers complaining about hermie from dp seeds especially blueberry!!!
  7. ItsJustMe84

    Ready for 12/12?

    Well it will get no second chance from me, ive done all i can do for them, if any kind of of hermie growth comes back i dont care if its a tiny ball im chopping, which is such a shame but im not risking all my plants for the sake of 2
  8. ItsJustMe84

    noob grow, 2 weeks old with pics..

    Cool thats good to know!! Must remember to hide them car keys before i smoke some lol
  9. ItsJustMe84

    noob grow, 2 weeks old with pics..

    Ive got some hermie reverse from dutch passion which im going to use tonight, i will chop straight away if i see any sign of further hermie, im checking them twice a day and when i say check i mean every bud site, every node, every stalk, is there a chance it wont come back if i sorted the...
  10. ItsJustMe84

    noob grow, 2 weeks old with pics..

    Well i got 58oz running 3 lights last time, so yh defo worth it and thats not including the 3 oz i got off the bottoms, which are still curing in a jar today...
  11. ItsJustMe84

    noob grow, 2 weeks old with pics..

    Nooooooo!!! 2 of my girls hermied, i figured out that the back of my room was hotter than the rest which caused 2 of my white widows to sprout a few nanners, i caught them almost straight away as i always check my girls, i removed not just the nanners but the whole branchs the nanners were on...
  12. ItsJustMe84

    Ready for 12/12?

    Such a shitty thing to happen :( well i removed not just the nanners but any branch the nanners were on, even ones that looked a little suspicious.. its been 2 days now and not one sack or nanner has appeared, basically just leaving the main stalks,.is it possible they may not come back?? ive...
  13. ItsJustMe84

    hermie end of week 2 flower (with pic)

    The minute i even observe one more sack or nanner its gone...
  14. ItsJustMe84

    hermie end of week 2 flower (with pic)

    I ordered dutch master gold reverse, so i think it is still on the market plus ive spoke to a few guys who said it works if you catch ut early enough, and surely no more hermie after 24 hours is a good sign, all my other plants are fine...
  15. ItsJustMe84

    hermie end of week 2 flower (with pic)

    Just been up to check them and none of them have grown any sacks or nanners over the space of 24 hours, ill give the reverse a try, obviously i know ive caught it early on but how long in general does it take for hermie to start polinate?i just want to know so i know if it carrys to take them...
  16. ItsJustMe84

    hermie end of week 2 flower (with pic)

    Nah im ok im not growing seeds
  17. ItsJustMe84

    hermie end of week 2 flower (with pic)

    I wish i knew what caused it, ive gone over everything and cant find a thing apart from genetics as both are my only 2 white widow X big bud and it seems abit suspicious that both have hermied even though they are by far the 2 biggest and the most healthy looking, thats why im gutted especially...
  18. ItsJustMe84

    hermie end of week 2 flower (with pic)

    Hey guys, so ive found a couple of single sacks and around 15 nanners on low branches, they literally must of appeared over night as i check my plants almost everyday.. now ive ordered some dutch passion reverse and penatrator and have so far removed the affected branches, ive never had to deal...
  19. ItsJustMe84

    Ready for 12/12?

    Do bannanas polinate? i have not got8 a single sack, and only a few bannanas here and there its very recent like in the last 2 days as i check my plants almost daily, got some dutch passion reverse, and penatrator in the post, if i can stop it before the buds start to cover the stalks ill keep...
  20. ItsJustMe84

    Ready for 12/12?

    Look what i found :( i had the same problem last grow but i just kept ripping them off and the bud turned seedless and nice, just to confirm that is hermie right??