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  1. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    So I think I almost over watered. I checked the soil it was dry on top but it was wet down a little further... I should hold off on water for a sec right?
  2. cdd10


    Loops and whirls lol
  3. cdd10

    Kerala x skunk

    I'm growing it right now
  4. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Yeah Matt hopefully it doesn't go out lol I can get a generator that would run my whole house though lol. And thanks tito, after I typed that I thought three weeks was a bit too long too, but I got little guy in there I would like him to get a little bigger first because I don't have another...
  5. cdd10

    Kerala x skunk

    I really haven't been able to find anything either. Just that it comes from seedsman
  6. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    well here they are today.
  7. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Supposed to be a bad winter storm here next two days I just hope the power doesn't go out lol
  8. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    I would like to grow outside but that's just not a possibility here. Lol
  9. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    I was thinking three more weeks then flower
  10. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    I'll just wait the 40-50 lol
  11. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Wonder how long it will be until I see sex..
  12. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Well hopefully I can keep my grow area stable lol
  13. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    I think it might be this one. I read a forum where it said it was from seedsman but Idk
  14. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Hm all I know is that it is kerala x skunk. I only have one of those in there the rest are bagseed so maybe i could learn to lst on it lol
  15. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    That kerala is not stretching at all lol Idk if that's a good thing or not haha
  16. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Sounds good to me the bushier the better haha
  17. cdd10

    Police Infared

    Around what area
  18. cdd10

    Why isn't this man dead?

    Cabs only a temporary solution I'm talking about helping a person quit drinking not encouraging them to be an alcoholic..
  19. cdd10

    Why isn't this man dead?

    I understand where you come from. I just think the problem can be solved before this type of thing happens is all.
  20. cdd10

    Why isn't this man dead?

    So you are saying you have never had a personal problem that required someone helping you? Not everyone has had the ultimate upbringing you might have had..