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    600W HPS Heat signature!.. please help

    so lets say I'm willing to put the effor to install a cooling tubing system around the entire room inside of the walls, plus the AC running and hooked up to cool tube of a 600w would that actually cover up the heat signature like you're saying?
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    600W HPS Heat signature!.. please help

    okay but we're the fucking middle east, palestine. so there's alot of thing to be worried about here. I was thinking of using just CFL's like a 1000w or smthn since i have a generator already. but if only 1 600w hps is safe that is all i need! i mean how would you compare it to an oven or boiler?
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    600W HPS Heat signature!.. please help

    I recently purchased a 600W HPS light with air cooled tube and i already have an AC in the room. I live near a goddamn military base. Do i need to worry about the heat signature from a 600w? I mean we all hear about housing thermal scanning and how they bust yo ass. And if its too much, is it...
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    special case .. please help

    well CFL's seems a bit safer i guess, even tho i hate flowering on CFL's but i guess we have to do it. and I'm not a muslim for gods sake. And isn't it a sin for christians as well? and believe it or not, no body gives a shit about it here besides the IDF. cuz i think alot of people make...
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    special case .. please help

    lets say you're living near a fucking military base or in our case a settelment. would a 600 HPS light or more be suspecious at anyway? i know that they produce alot of heat but we already have to cool it down so no worries about thermal scan or what ever. but my question is, the amout of...
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    Mould on rockwool problem

    i have recently notice some mould growing on top of my rockwool and on some of the hydroton around it. also some blackish material but im asuming its from the clay because at first i covered the top of the rockwool with it. any ideas how can i prevent it? thank you
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    Arjan haze seedlings problem.. please help

    This is what they look today after feeding. one is getting better but the other one is looking scary the cheese and great white shark and looking great so far. we added a 2ml liter of 4-3-6 twice in the past 6 days. its been 3 weeks and I'm thinking of transplant them to a hydro ebb and...
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    Arjan haze seedlings problem.. please help

    We'll I only fed them once 3 days ago. 4-3-6 2ml per liter and up till now no watering. How can lower the EC in that case?
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    Arjan haze seedlings problem.. please help

    Well i fed them once with a light solution 5.5 ph and EC 1.2 and im gonna water a bit then give them another dose. But its possible i overwatered them the second week. I have not figured out my bloom nutrient tho. Any ideas when to start using it? Thanks for the reminder on the calcium :)
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    Arjan haze seedlings problem.. please help

    I bought a bio organic fertilizer 4-3-6 and fed them today 2ml per liter. hopefullt they can make it the problem is I already orderd a complete nutrients product from amsterdam but it was got held up at the customs till next week when should i start using it? this what the product contains...
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    Arjan haze seedlings problem.. please help

    hello, I recently started rooting some arjan haze #1, great white shark and the cheese they are all 2 weeks old i keep temp around 22-28 during day, 20 at night and Humidity around 50%-70% they are planted in roockwool, no nutrients so far and running under 200W CFL the light how ever...
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    200 watts of CFL.. need help

    hello, I have 2 sativa haze and 2 indica seedlings a temporary 200watts 6 CFL light has been setup untill i add another 250watts to it my question is how far should the light be away from them during seedling and vegetative? i have a light setup that easily move up or down thanks
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    1% of male clones?

    how is it possible to produce a male clone from a femenized seeds plant and is it true that femenized plants dont produce seeds and even if they do the seeds wont be fertail? thank you
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    nutrients problem .. help please

    I need help please... i just started germinating some seeds i brought from green house seed company amsterdam arjan haze#1, great white shark and cheese i soaked them for 24 hours and now its been 12 hours in paper towel my local hydro shop is recommending me of a product called Bio Roots...
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    LED Full Spectrum VS 600 W HPS.. help please!

    okay amazing, so lets say im going with 2x600W how much space is that going to cover? more than 150cm2?
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    LED Full Spectrum VS 600 W HPS.. help please!

    I'm growing sativa HAZE.. g-13 accros with Laos. complete indoor hydro, i need to grow 18 plants. if I'm using 600W HPS, how many lights i need for good yield and to cover enough. or if i'm using 250W Full spectrum LED?