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  1. Hkid427

    New Growth Problems

    :dunce: <~ me
  2. Hkid427

    New Growth Problems

    Thanks I feel a whole lot better now. :hug: I just got paranoid :eyesmoke:
  3. Hkid427

    New Growth Problems

    That's terrible man, I hope mine don't do the same. I hope you find your problem What soil do you use and strain? Temp? Do you have good air flow? Passive or active? And I'm not too worried actually I realized I was just having first time growers paranoia and smoked and chilled out lol...
  4. Hkid427

    New Growth Problems

    Lol yeah I'm kicking myself for it. I'm definitely learning not to do too much. Next grow I'll just got with some pre mix I just gotta find the best one. Next grow I'm starting off in plain soil w/perlite. Then transplanting into my pre mix I pick
  5. Hkid427

    New Growth Problems

    Strains: 8 ball kush, aurora kush, triple cheese, and buddah Nutes: none besides what's in the soil, just been watering her with pH adjusted water and they are in 2 gallon pots. The FFOF was too hot for the seedlings that I cracked from seed but they turned out fine, so I'm thinking that's...
  6. Hkid427

    New Growth Problems

    Can someone help me out here. I transplanted from FFOF to subcools soil recipe a little over a week ago What do I need to do? New growth seems to be growing very slow and has a yellow tint..
  7. Hkid427

    Cassandra's Grow

    Yeah I can't wait to set it up I was thinking it was almost too big..
  8. Hkid427

    Breaking Bud

    Breaking Bud
  9. Hkid427

    Cassandra's Grow

    Thanks man. I looked up ballasts on there and a bunch came up I've already got a hood that's 1'9"×1'9.5" You think that'll fit in my 2'7"×2'7" well w/ducking?
  10. Hkid427

    Cassandra's Grow

    What are you using for your soil?
  11. Hkid427

    Cassandra's Grow

    Looking great! I have another month and a half at least to go in veg I think. Kinda just playing it by ear. I wanna buy a cheap 400w ballast does anyone know a place online?
  12. Hkid427

    Cassandra's Grow

    Okay so I noticed this today Can anyone explain why this is happening? My leafs are folding down..
  13. Hkid427

    Cassandra's Grow

    transplated and tied her down.
  14. Hkid427

    Cassandra's Grow

    hod to go buy a CLF light because I had to send my t5's in to be repaired. 4 of the bulbs wouldnt turn on ..
  15. Hkid427

    Cassandra's Grow

    That's why I have his name at the top I mean mine as in the mix I used..
  16. Hkid427

    Cassandra's Grow

    But when I transplated, I put a layer of bare organic soil since the ffof was too hot for the seedlings So they could have some time to rest
  17. Hkid427

    Cassandra's Grow

    That's the goal I think of it like baking a cake when it comes to soil Make good batter and you'll make a great cake... it just takes a lot longer -_- lol
  18. Hkid427

    Cassandra's Grow

    Haha you remind me of my buddy, he's got a bunch of phones and don't know why I love this phone Pics rock
  19. Hkid427

    Cassandra's Grow

    I hope to get bud as good as you Looks beautiful
  20. Hkid427

    Cassandra's Grow

    Post a pic of the one in veg