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  1. S

    2 hermies late flowering, what should i do?

    there all over now that i can see them in natural lighting. its alot tougher to spot under HPS. i dont wanna risk my other 2 babys who are doing amazingly well at only 32 days.. biggest question can the bannas or pods (bc I notice a male pods at the top) pollinate once its cut down? what if i...
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    2 hermies late flowering, what should i do?

    thanks man. but wont they pollinate my others? i wanted them to go 70 days.. they actually look almost ready. buyt the more i look at them in natural lighting i think i see seed pods or something idk doesnt seem to be calyx im used to seeing.
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    2 hermies late flowering, what should i do?

    4 plants total 2 plants at 53 days (hermied) 2 plants at 32 days (seem to be fine) should i chopp my hermies? or keep them going? will they pollinate my other early budders? more so, will they still produce THC once they have hermied and growing random banana looking things any advice would...
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    Lets Talk Nutes- Stoner Talk- Stoner Corner

    I have been using the Fox Farm Line. I Have noticed since switching from General Hydroponics which is more of a hybrid nute than an organic nute. that my yields are less. everyone praises fox farms. but i mean i straight up had great success using floranova bloom all the way thru with the...
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    Lets Talk Pots - Stoner talk - Stoner Corner

    5 Gallons are what i use. I do Notice after flowering when i take out my smart pots, i am never close to being root bound and 5 gallons were over kill.. Having said that. Would pot size really depend on what kind of lighting you are using and how much time u vegged your plant for. everyone...
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    (PICS) Seedlings died after sprouting (coco)

    its not erected. its limp like its its sprout leaves are touvhing the soil. it should be reaching for the sky!
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    (PICS) Seedlings died after sprouting (coco)

    ya i filtered out the roots from old harvest. lost alot of the choir. the straw stuff that kinda looks like roots. literally flush it straight tap water constant flow for 20 min in 7gl smart pots so i got no over flow.. then flush with water+epson salt 5.8 6 gallons of watter. then gave it a...
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    (PICS) Seedlings died after sprouting (coco)

    i havnt waterd yet other than flushing the coco after reuse. left for 24 hours before i put seeds in. but ya its re used coco.. it almost appears to have a greenish tint up close, possibly fungas? fuck idk,, re using cocois a bitch.. ive done it and had great success with clones. idk about...
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    (PICS) Seedlings died after sprouting (coco)

    heres the pic.. and my Cotton candy clone shes lookn cute :)
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    (PICS) Seedlings died after sprouting (coco)

    i started 2 critical jacks tues. they sprouted yesterday. died today? lol ive only started from seed once. ive cloned my last 3 grows. i have no clue what happened? Ive never had 1 seedling die but i just had 2of2 die? my lights were fair maybe 12" away and they were cfls. so i dont think that...
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    4 Harvest deep, question?!

    no bro. u defiantly opened my eyes. i did not realize this. if im gonna clone im better off keeping amother or like what u did starting from reg seeds and find a good pheno and keep her going.. very smart and great work brother! i also thought of another alternative im gonna try a critical...
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    Bio Terra Plus Organic soil

    hey guys, im trying some plants with this soil. i usually use coco. just trying a cheaper alternative.see how it goes.. having said that... Are the fox farms line of nutes sufficient for this soil? anyone have any experience with this set up - bot terra soil w. fox farms nutes and obviously...
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    4 Harvest deep, question?!

    yes correct, no set mother plant clone to clone to clone to clone
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    Critical Kush. Does she look done?

    it stresses the plant out and forces the plant to resonate.. alot.. its clutch when growing plants that thc content is 10-14% by doing this you have brought-in that up to at least 14-18%
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    Critical Kush. Does she look done?

    notice amber trich with a microscope? they look day to day for me.. its tough to tell, how many days? if i were you i would flush tho baby's with ice water.. let them sit for 2 3 days in darkness. and enjoy how much more resin they will get. speaking from experience. this method works 100%...
  16. S

    4 Harvest deep, question?!

    I keep my plant count around 8. for me thats comfortable. having said that. i have 2 ballast, 400w, 600w. i have a veg tent, and a flower tent. i veg 4 girls, flower 4 girls. 4 grows deep now, i notice clones aren't producing like they were with from seed. biggest question is.. should i...