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  1. cdd10

    Roots Organic Coco Fiber

    Idk read the master feeding schedule. It says to do that. Figured I would try. Says so the soil dry evenly and compaction. Idk this is my first grow... That's why I posted it... Lol
  2. cdd10

    Roots Organic Coco Fiber

    Shit Nevermind it's supposed to be on top of soil.. Haha
  3. cdd10

    Roots Organic Coco Fiber

    So you would say add more perlite and don't add the Coco fiber?
  4. cdd10

    Roots Organic Coco Fiber

    So the roots organic feeding schedule says to add 2-3 inches of Coco fiber to the soil as a mulch to avoid soil compaction. Now the first time I didn't add it and the soil does get compacted. Is that applied to the top 2-3 inches of the soil, or is 2-3 inches worth of however big a pot you are...
  5. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    I'd like to smoke some Tahoe lol
  6. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    It says 63-77 days but I have no idea lol. If I count the first week of flowering it's in the eighth week so I suppose it's in the 7th week it doesn't look anywhere near ready to me. But this is the first set of planes I've ever seen in person lol... I have a scope though so we will see...
  7. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Looks awesome Matt! Well I have good news Matt. I'm finally doing something right with the kerala she is looking like a normal plant now lol. Damn thing hasn't looked normal the whole time. Idk what I did right lol. Something to do with feeding I'm sure..
  8. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Thanks Matt! Buds look good! That sucks about the mold but 8 Oz sounds good I'm so anxious to see what I yield as well lol. You're right I should be grateful I got this far!
  9. cdd10

    400watt second grow

    Yeah it looks like it, I have a 3x3 but want some more space I might go up to the 4x4 after seeing this
  10. cdd10

    400watt second grow

    Have been wondering how a 400w does in a 4x4 seems like it does just fine! Looks good!
  11. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Ugh I think I could have done better haha they look all raggedy lol but I've made it to week six of flowering so I'm happy lol
  12. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Kerala is first three pics, bagseed others.
  13. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    Nice green!
  14. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    They look okay wish I wouldn't have had any deficiencies lol but I'm still learning thanks though and yeah it takes a bit of time lol its worth it though!
  15. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    here they are getting watered yesterday
  16. cdd10

    My first grow guys!

    I will probably go with the couch lock high lol and it's only week 5 of flowering we are still a bit away. Lol I heard that amber trichs are degraded thc so I was thinking of chopping when they are milky
  17. cdd10

    True living organics.

    Dowell rods.
  18. cdd10

    Where to get a good organic soil

    So the spikes are actual spikes right lol I read the directions on website it said use 1-2 TBS on the all purpose spike. I'm thinking of getting the starter pack and was wondering about it.
  19. cdd10

    True living organics.

    Wait are the TLO actual spikes kinda confused me you gotta use 1-2 TBS of the mix it says. Argh
  20. cdd10

    True living organics.

    Ah a little more research and I think I got it.. Lol