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  1. 1

    The British Growers Help Forum. UK Based Grow Advice, Now With Added Witt, Irony, Sarcasm & Humour

    i was trying not to be greedy makka id fucking add double pulled pork, brisket n chorizo lmao then you got a burger lol dont want the brisket pulled either just sliced.
  2. 1

    The British Growers Help Forum. UK Based Grow Advice, Now With Added Witt, Irony, Sarcasm & Humour

    could do with a lil pulled pork on top lol and no tomato for me, looks niiiiice tho.
  3. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    didnt maggie tell em to take no prisoners? basically a shoot on site deal, wasnt there even 1 they where about to take out the back n top but the media was all over by then?
  4. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    thats the northaner with the tash n beard from the iranian embassy siege? too slow lolol
  5. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    same bloke zero 2 bravo or some shit? they stopped the NZ guy telling the true story of how he lead the original mission with bad planning and the wrong equipment and got people killed....
  6. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    i love the film but i dont like that cunt mcnab, hes the sas bloke who lead a failed mission in iraq aint he? n off the back of said failed mission which got 2 or 3 sas killed lives like a king?!?
  7. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    flim4 aving it 2night Inglorious Bastards followed by Heat couple of cracking films imo anyways....
  8. 1

    The British Growers Help Forum. UK Based Grow Advice, Now With Added Witt, Irony, Sarcasm & Humour

    mate i totally agree with the original post that started this, she needed a taken down a peg or 3 all the fucking boasting all the time Z said the same months ago, and labs dislexia has been shown up more than a few times with his ''advice'' lmao
  9. 1

    The British Growers Help Forum. UK Based Grow Advice, Now With Added Witt, Irony, Sarcasm & Humour

    you do realize this will never end lmao yman love him or hate him will ALWAYS have the last word lol
  10. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    yeah that h8full 8 was shite gave up half way threw, tom hardy is a good actor but no doubt another load of ol shite about the ''krays''
  11. 1

    price of raw drugs by u

    yeah its rough over here for the white lol but we do have mdma overload pure and cheap as... no ''molly'' lmao
  12. 1

    price of raw drugs by u

    an ounce of good coke in the uk like in the pic will cost you around 1800 pound roughly 2600 dollers!
  13. 1

    Silk Road? Deep Web? What is the word now?

    buying bitcoins is totally legal is the easiest way to get them, i personally prefer nucleus http://nucleuspf3izq7o6.onion/ to any other market at the moment, pgp is very very simple to use that site will...
  14. 1

    Is anyone here in a Stoner Relationship?

    pregablain is better....
  15. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    they are a nice buzz yman its like a super clean smack buzz minus the spewing lol i have never tampered with the slow release tho i like that 8hr+ buzz not something i take on a regular tho too dangerous o'd'ed bad on em when i was a youth n nearly died, plus they 35quid a 80mg lol
  16. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    they banned the 160s ages ago, good few years i think, got new anti tamper slow release on the new oxys aswel carnt be crushed n sniffed or whatever.
  17. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    no 100s tho yman so point proven thank you lol didnt no about the 120s tho tbh mate.
  18. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    mate ive known bout that site for 10yr+ i really am a wrongun lmao am pissed out me nut now so that helps me think im more normal than i am lol i have gave up the gore tho carnt stomach the beheadings nowdays so go me! lol
  19. 1

    The UK Growers Thread!

    maybe back in the day but i have read more in recent times that shanti isnt so involved nowdays and theres lots of talk of many a strain of theres going hermi, ive grown there critical mass aswel carnt say i rated it that much tbh.