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    new grow room/closet will it work?

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    new grow room/closet will it work?

    encase the above pics dont work
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    new grow room/closet will it work? left side for mushies right side for some plants middle for nuets/equip exhaust system into roof. i have a nice house exaust fan too .it sucks air from a 20 ft hallway
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    lighting question

    well heat isnt too big. my limit is around $200-220. my house tho ill need to open a door to let the stale air out .so it will be closed off most of the day. and i don't want the room to get too hot. i figure ill open it at night to not disturb the light cycle. ill have a fan running in it and...
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    lighting question

    hope u can help im looking for a lighting system thats will grow2-4or 6 plants such as bubblegum,blackjack,Blue Mystic, and white rhino fruity kinds mostly inside grow,cheap,low heat im looking at looks like the light is 15 inches by 12...
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    Blue Mystic grow diffuclty

    Blue Mystic feminized is this a easy strand to grow indoors for a first timer like plant and water ,add nuet easy?
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    average hydro cost

    but i get what ur talking about 35 gallon tub ,a tray, water pump,neuts,and pots then u could just tilt the tub to let the water drain out the top and back into the bottom
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    average hydro cost

    to a pic of system u where taking about flood and drain altho it might not be working tripod is retarded
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    average hydro cost
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    average hydro cost

    but i could make this cheaper ocuse this guy used the thing i was gonna get and ran into these problems I just completed my 1st grow in a an ecogrower.....harvesting tonight. I started my babies from seed in the ecogrower. I had six plants going and 5 were male! Horrible luck. I was...
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    average hydro cost

    i really like this system its a drip one
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    average hydro cost

    no idea on neuts my max is 6 plants im tring to stay away from felonies
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    average hydro cost

    i might have to stick to magic mushroom growing till i have enough saved up
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    average hydro cost

    well carbon filter $33 and a box fan20$ setup will push air out the house once a day. at night ill also be planting mint got to look into a de humidifer
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    hydroponic system

    top is 200 bottom is 50
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    average hydro cost

    well minus the lighting and the water system im looking at 400 one time should last 2-3 years i hope then i can spent 50 dollars every 2-3 months or so i was just wondering what would be cheaper to grow assuming i already had the equip
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    average hydro cost

    assuming you have ur lights and water system already like how often am i gonna need to buy chems and such how much am i goona be paying out
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    hydroponic system

    would this system work to grow up to 4 plants such as BlackJack and bubblegum? 6 inch pots and would this system work as well
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    help me with first indoor grow

    so i smoked some bubblegum bud ,and now i wanna grow it for myself so i dont need a whole lot. im looking for a cheap ,inside ,easy ,small space grow.(do they exist) what does anyone suggest? i wanted to try hydroponics cuz i hear there more potent or somin can anyone shoot me a link to such a...
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    where to order spores from

    have a family menber or somin in antoher state order em and send em too ya