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  1. T

    How can you get color in your plant??

    Suppermario, check out Purplemaxx. It can be added at start of flower and it will bring out alot of purples in a few weeks as well as enhance other natural colors.
  2. T

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Thanks giggles...
  3. T

    leaves turning yellow/brown

    Yes pics please, but if they burnt and you put them under the cfls, they wont just un-burn. 600watt hps should probably be at least 36" from them.
  4. T

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    I have a random question. What does "Someone vetted you today" mean? The someone is a life long friend...
  5. T

    leaves turning yellow/brown

    Light stress burnt them.
  6. T

    Maybe hermafrodike should i pic?

    Seeds are growing.
  7. T

    Help with first time plants. I'm not sure what i am doing wrong.

    Perhaps Leaf Miners. That's what it looks like to me. They are small pest that can be killed. Turn the leaf over and look at them with a magnifying glass and check for bugs.
  8. T

    Club 600

    I'd smoke that shit!
  9. T

    Club 600

    Me and my ladies. SOG under 600 watt Galaxy and 6" Raptor
  10. T

    Strawberry plants pollenate my babies?

    I have a few clones under an active pollinating bell pepper plant and I'll be dammed if the newly formed leaves look EXTREMELY odd...they look very similar to the shape of the pepper plants.