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  1. C

    Can a female become a male due to stress?!

    It is a male,guess my friend was wrong. But no worries,got another clone from another friend. Strain: NLX. Greetz
  2. C

    First time hydro: Ebb/Flood - DWC Hybrid

    @heath: I forgot to draw the pump,water would be pumped up throug the water return pipe. @Al B: You pointed out some major downsides to my design,thanks. I'll follow your advice and start with a regular ebb/flood setup. One thing i don't get about it: why should there be a bubbler in the nute...
  3. C

    First time hydro: Ebb/Flood - DWC Hybrid

    Hi guys, i've been growing for some time on soil and deceided it was time to try something new. So i started researching hydroponics. From what i've read ebb & flood and dwc setups are most common and they get good results. My idea (i'm likely not the first to think of this) is to combine the 2...
  4. C

    Can a female become a male due to stress?!

    Hi, thanks for the fast response. You've all figured out my friend is me so... I plan to give it at least another week. IF I spot female flowers I'll continue the proces,but I haven't spotted any female flowers yet. (3 days after first seeing signs of flowering) I like the idea of making my...
  5. C

    Can a female become a male due to stress?!

    Hi, a friend got a clone from a friend,it should be a female but it started to flower and he's pretty sure it's a male. Wich really sucks! Can it be it was a female and became a male due to interruptions in the night-cycle? Since he sometimes had to take care of her during lights-off and had to...