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  1. WildHoneyPie

    400 hps Scrog flowering

    yeah i have a photo album which i will be loading more pics onto later today. no players like down south players. those boys do come clean i swear. You're probably just a short drive down 55 from me. :bigjoint:
  2. WildHoneyPie

    400 hps Scrog flowering

    nice. you and i are at the exact same point. 36 days into flower.
  3. WildHoneyPie

    The Void

    yeah, i guess youre right. i didnt expect sub to respond in so much detail though.
  4. WildHoneyPie

    The Void

    shouldnt this be in a personal message?
  5. WildHoneyPie

    Can Anyone Tell Me If This Is An Actual Plant?

    no it looks like plastic to me....
  6. WildHoneyPie

    2009 Early Start Monster Outdoor Competition

    Im in. Everyone should go out and buy a yard stick to measure the plant against in their pics. that way there will be a standard to go by when judging.
  7. WildHoneyPie

    The Obama Doctrine

    so i guess if the obama doctrine is abortion of fetuses, the Bush/McCain doctrine is to abort adults
  8. WildHoneyPie

    The Obama Doctrine

    first, i would like to say that i dont really care whether someone has an abortion or not seeing as i have a penis and therefore will not be pregnant anytime soon. However i do think its important to look at one of the reasons there are abortion clinics, i.e., if there wasn't a place for a woman...
  9. WildHoneyPie

    Canopy Managment 101

    Would using garden net like this constitute proper canopy managment? its kind of hard to see the netting. there are so many bud sites that i'll have to cut off the tops and leave the plant another week to flower so the lower branches can finish.
  10. WildHoneyPie

    So, I ate some Psychedelic Mushrooms and This Is What I Realized...

    dmt is like getting shot out of a cannon. or even more like someone hooking you with a giant fishing line in the mouth and trying to reel you in. big toke and woosh.
  11. WildHoneyPie

    Auction Ordering Info

    dang thats cheap! high five. do ever put up anything of your own besides the normal stock?
  12. WildHoneyPie

    The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly the 2006 Scamabus Cup!

    I had some time to kill between flights at the schipol airport so i took the train into amsterdam. waste of time, the bud i smoked in Switzerland blew everything away that i smoked in amsterdam and it was half the price.
  13. WildHoneyPie

    Massachusettes emergency!

    haha you mean that thunderstorm?
  14. WildHoneyPie

    foxfarm schedule and harvest time

    the nutrient chart says to continue the same feeding as necessary but you might want to start flushing if the trichs are that far in.
  15. WildHoneyPie

    the TH SEEDS thread

    bought flippin time.
  16. WildHoneyPie

    has anybody Taken LSD before

    its nothing like E. if you dont know enough to know that then dont take it. it can seriously change your personality dramatically in a matter of hours.
  17. WildHoneyPie

    Highest you have ever been

    i ate a quarter of mushies, 4 jelltabs, a hydrocodon, beer all day, smokin, and nitrous at langerado this year. felt like i was doing front flips off the ground during theivery corporation.
  18. WildHoneyPie

    low ryder suck

    now only if you had started 100 of them you would be getting somewhere. pull out your cheech papers and roll them both in one.
  19. WildHoneyPie

    Introducing the CC Hydro-Organic Small Water Culture System

    wouldnt the nutrient water being fed in the top run down to the jars bringing dirt with it? you would have to drain the jars after ever nute watering so the ph doesnt go crazy.
  20. WildHoneyPie

    the TH SEEDS thread

    ive been waiting on a-train to come out since they announced it. hurry up th seeds, i need them beans.