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    CFL Grow with G13 Blueberry Gum from Attitude

    just started this myself today, looking forward to the next few months!
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    White Specks on Leaf Surface?

    Thanks Shrubs, isit okay to use Azamax in organic soils though? Do yu use it to just foliar feed or do you add to your nute mix? Im gonna order some but i dont live in the US so i wont get it until the new year... My plants are still young, in their 4th week, they lookhealthy, its just when...
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    Heat Shields?

    75cmx75cm ;) 750x750 i wish! :cry: Unless your talking millimteres? Im gonna do as shrubs says, get the hoody on & wrap up warm. I get a breeze coming in & its snowing, so perfect, only thing is i think i got an infestation, if any of you guys could check out my 'White specks' thread in Plant...
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    White Specks on Leaf Surface?

    Can anyone else identify whats going on with my plant please? The white dots have spread a bit, im just gonna keep using pest off... still cant see any spider mites moving but seen a few more eggs around
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    Heat Shields?

    The thing is my intake fan is very low output (or input! lol) and i had long ducting on it, but i felt the long bendy ducting was restricting air flow so i chopped it short! Ill make sure to at least lay the ducting on the floor, as i always have a breeze coming along my floor & its freezing...
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    Bio-Canna - The only true organics?

    I dont live in the US bro, no blue mountain here... No specific questions, just wondering if the OMRI listing & Canna being based in Holland makes any people feel more assured that the nutes are god for growing great organic Marijuana, if the nutes can rival the rest of the nutes out there for...
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    Heat Shields?

    Its an RVK100 extractor, its definately sucking lots of hot air out as the air coming out the extraction is still warm & i got lots of negative pressure on the tent sides. Small tent though - 75x75x200cm with a 250wHPS The temps are 24-26c when the bulbs at the top, but if i move it closer i...
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    Heat Shields?

    Its fixes under the bulb, spreading light & heat I have lots of negative pressure in my tent, so very good extraction, i get a decent intake, but i live in the same room as the plant, so the only way to have cold air coming through the intake is if i turn my heating off & freeze my nuts off...
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    Bio-Canna - The only true organics?

    Is Bio-Canna the only true organic nutrient range? Im really interested in organic growing, Canna must be good as they are based in Holland, i also heard that they are the only OMRI listed nutrients, so really they are the only organic nutrients right? Officially speaking... I just saw one...
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    first grow, organic bubbleberry

    Cool, ive been looking for organic grows using Bio-Canna and this popped up! Subscribed... your plants look very very healthy :weed:
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    Heat Shields?

    You know those heat shields that spread light & deflect heat? How effective are they? I have a 250w HPS system and the temp keeps creeping past 27c with the light all the way the top of the tent (2m) do you think with the shield i could move my light closer or its irrelevant? The grow shop...
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    White Specks on Leaf Surface?

    I used pest off it says on the backit works on thrips...the place i bought it from says its very effective, although it says take infected leaves off? Im not sure i wanna do that as the leaves aren't THAT infected, i heard somewhere else only take leaves off if they are 50% or more damaged
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    White Specks on Leaf Surface?

    Maybe a MOD could move this to bugs?
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    White Specks on Leaf Surface?

    Hey, im new here, i apologize for my first post being asking for help on a problem but im sure its quite common I'm currently growing one plant, so i gotta make sure it works (hopefully wont be a hermy) i have 4 pictures of white specks on my leaf surface Id like to know if anyone is familiar...