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  1. Chech

    1x1x2.5 Micro Supply

    Cut off all the badness and lost a cola in the process but it smells fruity & looks good so ima start flushing her and give her two weeks
  2. Chech

    1x1x2.5 Micro Supply

    Some pics
  3. Chech

    Star ryder dutch passion T5 grow

    Youll do way better this time, I my self have only done 3 grows toatal & only autos My first grow got me 38g between the two, My second , got me 4-9g per plant & i had 9plants My third got me 48g between 3 All same strain & same light (300 watt viparspectra) Not much to brag about but...
  4. Chech

    Star ryder dutch passion T5 grow

    Nice plants :)
  5. Chech

    Spider mites

    Ok ive never used the stuff before i shal do that with my next grow to prevent the bastards , thanks heaps
  6. Chech

    Calculating pffd/par etc

    Is that the right word ? Anyway i have: Hlg-120-c700 B version good for 150.5watts Cxb2530 u4 bin 4000k good for 61watts - 174L/w @ bin conditions Lights 9" away Heatsinks which are at 41c when full cranked (0.700ma) Cobs running at 25.5watts eachn@ 0.700ma Box is 1 foot x 1 foot x 2.5...
  7. Chech

    Spider mites

    Ok ive got a game plan. Regardless if i have an infection or not ill spray my babys with neem + soap at 20days old then wait 3 days and hit them with spinosad then wait till im 5~7 days into flowering then hit them with spinosad & i should be fine , yeah? touch wood
  8. Chech

    Spider mites

    Thanks for your help .. And everyone else too, cheers
  9. Chech

    Spider mites

    Meh its barely gonna pull an oz anyway may as well toss is Its the one in the front on my 1x1x2.5 Micro Supply grow if use wanna have a look
  10. Chech

    Spider mites

    So i can use spinosad in flowering? probably only has 2-3 weeks to go before i start flushing so is it worth ?
  11. Chech

    Spider mites

    If i gave it a brush with a broom od something to get majority off would it be salvageable to vape?
  12. Chech

    Spider mites

    Indoors , flowering
  13. Chech

    Spider mites

    Sweet, how many times should i apply it? Over the course of a day? 3 times? 1 in the morning 1 at lunch 1 at night? Do i spray the walls too?
  14. Chech

    Spider mites

    Im growing in 50/50 coco/perlite Ive got a fairly mean collany of spider mites going on... What ive found is neem oil & detergent can help get rid of them, Has anyone got and tried ways to get rid of them before i buy some neem oil? or would that be the best way to go about it Cheers
  15. Chech

    1x1x2.5 Micro Supply

    So yeah both cobs are running at 25.5watts each.. The cobs are rated for 174lumens/watt but i dont know how to calculate the losses from the heat and driver efficiency ( can someone show me how? im not sure on the formula ) So im gonna guess somewhere between 120L/w to 150L/w So between 6120 ~...
  16. Chech

    Cob Heat

    Cree cob, cxbw530 ceramic base Thanks both of you
  17. Chech

    Cob Heat

    Yeah another reason why i would like to check to see if they are indeed using 0.700ma .. i have a feeling their using less due to the fact i only have 66v out of the 107v required for the driver
  18. Chech

    Cob Heat

    If thats the case my heatsinks , at the backside, read 26-28c, so if i were to give them 10c that would be 38c? give or take a phew..
  19. Chech

    Cob Heat

    Is a thermocouple the name of the device i need to buy to test it? if so i shal get one - I wouldnt know the heatsinks geometry but i do know its almost cold to touch & there is a fan 1 1/2 inchs above the heatsink pulling air away
  20. Chech

    Cob Heat

    How do you accurately measure the heat of a cob? Ive been pointing my temp gun directly at the cob about 2 inchs away and it shows around 95-97c? Im using 0.700ma to run them & they are glued to heatsinks with arctic alumina thermal adhesive